
Associate Professor
Master`s Program in Digital Content and Technologies
College of Communication
Research Expertise
Digital content design, new media interactive technology, service design, digital learning, industrial management and economic development


School Department Education Level
Taipei Municipal Teacher"s College Department of Arts and Crafts Education University
National Chiao Tung University Institute of Applied Arts Master
National Chiao Tung University Department of Civil Engineering Ph.D.


Year Title Unit
112 國科會研究獎勵 國立政治大學
111 國科會研究獎勵 國立政治大學
109 資深優良教師 (20年) 國立政治大學
109 國科會研究獎勵 國立政治大學
109 Senior instructor 國立政治大學
108 國科會研究獎勵 國立政治大學
102 資深優良教師 (10年) 國立政治大學
100 992數位藝術(462939001 開課單位:數位碩)獲99學年度優良數位學習課程 國立政治大學
099 Excellent e-learning course 國立政治大學
098 榮聘為Journalism2公廣集團中華電視股份有限公司背包記者研訓營指導老師 國立政治大學
098 榮聘為政治大學願景2025:打造台灣產業未來力研究計畫,擔任數位影像敘事分項計畫指導老師 國立政治大學


Year Title Unit
109 「XRun! 體感科技創新大賽」第一名,IP獎第二名,商業潛力獎(指導生數位碩古健樺、王竣) 經濟部工業局
108 108年度行政類傑出校友 臺北市立大學
108 2019台灣服務科學學會學術研究獎碩士論文組特優指導老師(指導數位碩陳舒玲) 台灣服務科學學會
108 Outstanding Paper Award The 12th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing(Ubi-Media 2019), University of Indonesia
106 First Prize for Outstanding Thesis Paper Chinese Society for Inquiry Learning
106 Outstanding Paper Award Kasetsart University
105 The first prize of the Tokyo Metropolitan Master`s Thesis Award (directed by Li An-ting of the Digit 台灣物業設施管理協會--東京都物業管理機構
105 Best Paper First Prize 第七屆全球華人探究學習創新應用大會(GCCIL2016)
105 First Prize for Outstanding Thesis Paper 第七屆全球華人探究學習創新應用大會(GCCIL2016)
103 Best Paper Conference First Prize 第五屆全球華人探究學習創新應用大會(GCCIL2014)
102 The second prize for inquiry learning practice cases. Shang Han-ting, Chen Sheng-chi*, Lin Chong-wei 第四屆全球華人探究學習創新應用大會 (GCCIL 2013)
102 Best Paper Award (Chen Sheng-chi, Lin Tsu-min, Tsai Pei-chun; agents of the program for data mining 第十九屆資訊管理暨實務研討會(IMP2013)
101 Chen Hsin-tsu received the master`s thesis award 溫世仁服務科學2012年聯合頒獎典禮暨成果發表會
101 Best Thesis Paper Award. Chen Sheng-chi*, Shang Han-ting, Chang Yong-tsin, Chen Kuan-yeh (7/2012). 第三屆全球華人探究學習創新應用大會(GCCIL 2012)
100 1001 Interactive Technology: Media Perception and Design, Received the 100th Annual Ministry of Educ Ministry of Education
100 Academic advisor: Chen Sheng-chi (2011). Team: Lin Szu-tsai, Li Hsin-yi, finalist award, Plastory-Ac 國立中央大學創新育成中心,國家型雲端創育聯盟、中華民國創業投資商業同業公會
100 Best Paper Award (General Paper Category) 「臺灣教育傳播暨科技學會」2011國際學術研討會
099 2010 Taipei Social Excellence Youth Model New Taipei City Government
099 The second place in the public art D case of the Xinyi branch line of the Taipei Second Road in the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government
099 The 29th Outstanding Alumni National Taipei University of Education
098 One heart and two leaves, artist and consultant Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government
098 First Prize for the Winning Public Art Setting Plan of the TRA Nanke Station Expansion Construction 臺南縣政府工務處
098 The second place in the public art setting case of Kaohsiung City Investigation Office of the Invest 法務部高雄市調查處
098 The third place in the public art setting plan for the construction of the first high school library Taichung Municipal Taichung First Senior High School
098 Wisdom Puzzle, Case Report of Public Art Setup of Kaohsiung City Investigation Office of the Investi 法務部高雄市調查處
098 Wisdom Dandelion, National Taichung High School Book Information and Teaching Building Construction Taichung Municipal Taichung First Senior High School
098 Computer Multimedia Art Course Teaching Evaluation Excellent Teacher Award 國立嘉義大學美術學系暨視覺藝術研究所
098 Recruited as the executive director of the Journalism2 Public Advertising Group Chinese Television S 公廣集團中華電視股份有限公司
098 Web Design Course Teaching Evaluation Excellent Teacher Award 國立嘉義大學美術學系暨視覺藝術研究所
097 First Prize in the NCTU Architecture Research Award 國立交通大學建築研究所
096 PhD Dissertation Award for Cultural Assets Preservation and Maintenance 行政院文化建設委員會暨國立文化資產總管理處籌備處
091 Take the first place in the PhD program of computer-aided architecture design by the Department of C 交通大學土木工程學系電腦輔助建築設計博士班
090 CAADRIA Best Paper Award First Prize The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia
087 Special Award in the Instructor Category of the International Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibitio 民國87年國際書畫印藝美展大賽
086 Canadian International Ink Maple Leaf Award for Excellence 加拿大國際水墨楓葉獎
085 The 51st Taiwan Provincial Art Exhibition Journal Selection 台灣省政府教育廳
085 Nanying Award and the 10th Nanying Art Exhibition 台南市政府文化局
084 Second Place in the Grand Prize in the Western Painting Category A of the 1995 National Painting and 全國大專青年書畫比賽
084 The 50th Taiwan Provincial Art Exhibition Journal Preferred Selections 台灣省政府教育廳
083 Certificate of Merit of the Second Degree for the Caring for Historic Sites Design Logo Competition 內政部「關懷古蹟」設計標誌比賽
083 The 49th Taiwan Provincial Art Exhibition Journal Selection 台灣省政府教育廳
083 Gold Medal of the National Qingxi Literature and Art Golden Ring Award 國防部後備司令部
083 Gold Medal in the Watercolor Category of the National Painting Competition (Jiufen), Received the Ji 八十三年全國寫生比賽(九份)
083 Wu Liu Hong-mei Female Merit Scholarshit 系展八十三年度
083 First place in the watercolor category of the department exhibition 系展八十三年度
083 Photography category second place of the Department Exhibition 系展八十三年度
083 Castle Peak, Green Water, Human Culture - Taiwan Aboriginal Cultural Park, the Republic of China`s 8 台灣省政府民政廳,台灣原住民文化園區管理處
082 Second place for the director of the Oil Painting Department 系展八十二年度油畫類
082 Excellent work in Chinese painting at the Department Exhibition 系展八十二年度
081 Excellent work in craftsmanship at the Department Exhibition 系展八十一年度
081 Second place for the director of the Design Department 系展八十一年度設計類
080 Preferred Selection in the Calligraphy Category of the Department Exhibition 系展八十年度
078 First place in the Ink Painting Category of the South Taiwan Seven Countries and Cities Art Competit 七十八年度台灣省南部七縣市美術比賽


Unit Title Department During Tenure
國立政治大學 Associate Professor Master`s Program in Digital Content & Technologies 2023/02/01
國立政治大學 Associate Professor Master`s Program in Digital Content & Technologies 2013/08/01-2019/07/31
國立政治大學 Assistant Professor Master`s Program in Digital Content & Technologies 2009/08/01-2013/07/31