
Showing 1-25 of 36
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-05 The Effects of Social Trust on Economic Performance: Theory and Empirics conference web page(72)
2023-03 The effects of noncognitive and cognitive abilities on the wages of young people in Taiwan conference pdf(124)
2011-05 大陸十二五規畫與兩岸產業合作之機會與挑戰 conference pdf(1278)
2009-07 The Rise of China and Its Implications to World Economy conference
2008-03 Heterogeneous Return to Education: The Case of Taiwan conference
2007-11 公私部門研發資源競合的就業與產出效果分析 conference
2007-05 台灣教育報酬率估計:工具變數法之應用 conference
2007-03 Educational Achievement and the Evaluation of the Nine-year Compulsory Education Policy: The Case of Taiwan conference
2007 台灣產業結構變化分析與因應策略:去工業化與空洞化之剖析 conference
2005-03 Human Capital Returns and Technological Change conference
2004-03 Economic Growth and Renewable Resources: The Interaction between Economic System and Ecological System conference
2003-06 台灣區域失業率成因:跨縣市分析 conference
2003-03 Wage Gap and Skill Upgrading in Taiwan: An Industry-level Analysis conference
2003-01 The Effect of Minimum Wage on Youth Employment and Unemployment in Taiwan conference
2002-12 東亞區域經濟發展與產業分工的現況與未來 conference
2002-06 Industry-Specific Human Capital and the Wage Profile: Evidence from Taiwan conference pdf(2189)
2002-01 基本工資對青少年勞動市場的影-以台灣為例 conference
2001-07 由國際貿易和外人投資看加入WTO後兩岸的經濟發展關係 conference
2001-05 如何衡量人力資本:以台灣為例 conference
2001-03 International Trade Foreign Direct Investment and Industrial Productivity: The Case of China conference
2000-03 Educational Choice Wage Determination and Rates of Return to Education in Taiwan conference pdf(381)
1999-12 外人投資,國際貿易與生產效率:中國大陸實證研究 conference
1999-05 兩岸人文與科技人才供需結構之探討 conference
1998-12 台灣不同規模廠商工資差異之實證研究 conference
1998-11 研究發展對生產力的貢獻及產業間的外溢效果:台灣製造業實證 conference