
Showing 1-17 of 17
Date Title Type Full Text
2016-01 Business Groups and CSR Report Quality conference web page(648)
2009-08 The Effects of Director Industry and Firm Experience on Firm Performance: Startups vs. Diversifying Entrants conference
2009-08 The Relationship between Location-Bound Advantages and International Strategy: An Empirical Investigation conference
2008-06 The Scope of Business Groups: A Penrosian Analysis conference
2007-08 Resources and Institutions Driving Growth Patterns of Business Groups conference
2005 Locational Choices and Multinational Firm Performance conference
2005 The Dynamics of Japanese Firm Growth in U.S. Industries: The Penrose Effect conference pdf(2753)
2004-08 International entry under uncertainty and institutional forces: an empirical study conference
2004-07 Experiential learning in foreign markets : when does it matter more? conference
2004 International entry under uncertainty and institutoional forces: an empirical study conference
2003 A resource-based agency and transaction cost approach of expatriate utilization: an empirical study conference
2002-07 Knowledge Transfer and Vendor Selection in a High-Tech Capital Equipment Market conference
2002-03 Entry timing of Foreign direct investments in emerging economics conference
2001-12 多國籍企業海外派遣人員之實証研究 conference
2001-11 An empirical investigation of the Utilization of expatriates: Agency theory and transaction cost perspectives conference
2001-08 International expansion managerial capacity and Penrose theory of firm growth conference
2001-08 International expansion, managerial capacity, and Penrose theory of firm growth conference
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