
Retired Professor
Department of Accounting
College of Commerce
Research Expertise


School Department Education Level
University of Maryland Department of Information Management Master
National Taiwan University Department of Accounting University
Ohio University Department of Accounting Master
University of Maryland Department of Information Management Ph.D.


Year Title Unit
109 國科會研究獎勵 國立政治大學
108 國科會研究獎勵 國立政治大學
107 國科會研究獎勵 國立政治大學
106 Distinguished Professor 國立政治大學
106 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 國立政治大學
105 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 國立政治大學
104 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 國立政治大學
103 Distinguished Professor 國立政治大學
103 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 國立政治大學
103 Senior instructor 國立政治大學
103 Excellence Award for Academic Research 國立政治大學
102 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 國立政治大學
102 Excellence Award for Academic Research 國立政治大學
101 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 國立政治大學
100 Distinguished Professor 國立政治大學
100 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 國立政治大學
099 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 國立政治大學
099 Excellence Award for Academic Research 國立政治大學
098 Excellence Award for Academic Research 國立政治大學
097 Distinguished Professor 國立政治大學
097 Excellence Award for Academic Research 國立政治大學
096 Excellent Research Award for Research Leading to Internationalization 國立政治大學
096 Excellence Award for Academic Research 國立政治大學
095 Outstanding Research Professorship 國立政治大學
095 Excellent Research Award for Research Leading to Internationalization 國立政治大學
095 Excellence Award for Academic Research 國立政治大學
094 Medal for service 國立政治大學
094 Outstanding Research Professorship 國立政治大學
094 Excellent Research Award for Research Leading to Internationalization 國立政治大學
093 Outstanding Research Professorship 國立政治大學
093 Senior instructor 國立政治大學
093 Excellent Research Award for Research Leading to Internationalization 國立政治大學
092 Outstanding Research Professorship 國立政治大學
092 Excellent Research Award for Research Leading to Internationalization 國立政治大學
091 Outstanding Research Professorship 國立政治大學
090 Excellent Research Award for Research Leading to Internationalization 國立政治大學
089 National Science Council Type A Research Award 國立政治大學
085 National Science Council Type A Research Award 國立政治大學


Year Title Unit
103 Advisory Committee International Conference on Accounting and Information Technology
103 Editorial Board Asian Review of Accounting
103 Editorial Board Information and Management
103 Editorial Board Information Processing and Management
103 Editorial Board Informing Sciences
103 Editorial Board Journal of Information Systems (Accounting)
103 Keynote Speaker China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and Liaoning Provincial Government
103 Keynote Speaker InfoTech-2014
103 Steering Committee Asia Pacific Management Accounting Association
101 ACL ACDA International Certification ACL
101 SAP International Consultant Certification SAP
101 Visiting Scholarship Academia Sinica
101 Visiting Scholarship Peking University
100 Cover Person Accounting in China Magazine
100 Keynote Speaker China Accounting Association Annual Meeting
100 The 21st Century Intellect IBC England
100 The World's Oustanding Scholar ABI USA
100 Who's Who in the World Marquis USA
099 Associate Editor Communications of AIS
098 Visiting Scholarship IBM Almaden Research Center
098 Visiting Scholarship Microsoft Silicon Valley Research Center
097 Fulbright Senior Scholarship Fulbright Foundation
097 Fulbright Senior Scholarship Harvard University
097 Fulbright Senior Scholarship Stanford University
097 International Liasion American Accounting Association
097 Visiting Scholarship Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Unit Title Department During Tenure
國立政治大學 Chairperson Office of Project Office for Digital Humanities 2017/01/01-2017/12/31
國立政治大學 Chair Department of Accounting 2008/08/01-2011/07/31