
Showing 1-25 of 62
Date Title Type Full Text
2017-04 Using sentiment analysis to explore the association between news and housing prices conference web page(771)
2014 Information content of financial reporting and information value of financial news - An opinion analytics approach conference web page(919)
2011-07 Evaluating the impact power of authors via Bayesian estimation of authors` social connections conference web page(942)
2009 資訊科技績效評量指標–以金融業與電子業為例 conference pdf(1667)
2007-11 A Generic Construct based Workload Model for Business Intelligence conference
2007-08 A Data Modeling for Cost Accounting Information Systems conference
2007-08 A Generic Transformation between XML and UML conference
2007-06 Chinese Information Segmentation in Non-financial Data conference
2007-04 Information Search in Financial Data conference
2007-03 Web Search Benchmark Workload conference
2006-11 A Selection Model of Data Mining Applications conference
2006-08 An integral data design of accounting information systems conference
2006-06 A relational and integral design of cost accounting information systems conference
2006-05 Information Integration in B2Bi EC conference
2006-04 A selection model for business data mining applications conference
2006-03 IT Capital Indicators – Evidence from Taiwan High-tech Industry conference
2005-11 A more generic construct-based data exchange in data warehousing conference
2005-08 A metadata OLAP exchange conference
2005-05 B2Bi EC Alignment Study conference
2004-10 Data Warehouse Metadata Transformation conference
2004-08 Toward a Generic Transformation between B2Bi Standards XML and UML conference pdf(1347)
2004-08 Tow ore generic construct-based data exchange in s XML and UML conference
2004-05 Heterogeneous Information Integration Benchmarking conference
2004-05 Heterogeneous Information Integration using XML and Ontology conference
2004-01 A Process-centric and Innovation-centric Information Technology View on Intellectual Capital conference