Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 84
Date Title Type Full Text
2017 Using Sentiment Analysis to Explore the Association between News and Housing Prices article web page(863)
2017 The Effect of Disclosure Patterns of Risk Factors in Prospectus on the Relation Between Strategic Alliances and Underpricing of Biotechnology IPOs article pdf(541)
2017 The association between stock price volatility and financial news - a sentiment analysis approach article pdf(476)
2016 IPO and Financial News article pdf(451)
2015-05 Mandatory Adoption of XBRL and Mutual Funds Flows - Evidence from China conference pdf(507)
2015 Voluntary Accounting Changes and Post-Earnings Announcement Drift article pdf(985)
2015 Voluntary Accounting Changes and Analyst Following article pdf(601)
2014-10 Mandatory Adoption of XBRL and Foreign Investors’ Holdings - Evidence from China article pdf(580)
2014-04 Mandatory Adoption of XBRL Standards and the Performance of Listed State-Owned Enterprises and Non-State-Owned Enterprises in China article pdf(829)
2014-04 The association between the mandatory adoption of XBRL and the performance of listed state-owned enterprises and non-state-owned enterprises in China article pdf(865)
2013.11 XBRL、代理成本與績效水平-基于中國開放式基金市場的證據 article pdf(1118)
2013.08 Intellectual Capital Disclosure and Accounting Standards article web page(1266)
2012-11 雲端治理 article web page(1045)
2012-11 Telecommunication e-Services Orchestration Enabling Business Process Management article web page(1301)
2012-09 雲端運算與電腦稽核--商機與治理 article web page(1122)
2012-07 導入國際會計準則與商業智慧之應用 article web page(840)
2012.06 An intelligent XML-based multidimensional data cube exchange article pdf(1098)
2012-06 探討我國國際會計準則之導入--內部控制與資訊系統觀點 article web page(842)
2012-05 導入國際會計準則之資訊揭露--應用資料探勘與文字探勘技術 article web page(764)
2012-04 Emerging topics detection and measurement article web page(1496)
2012.03 Indices of novelty for emerging-topic detection article pdf(1121)
2012-03 從企業導入IFRSs看資訊系統因應之道 article web page(818)
2011.12 A generic construct based workload model for business intelligence benchmark article pdf(1385)
2011-12 IFRSs後 內部控制的挑戰 article web page(1212)
2011.11 A generic construct based workload model for business intelligence benchmark article pdf(945)