Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 26
Date Title Type Full Text
2018-08 Call Auction Frequency and Market Quality: Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Exchange article pdf(494)
2014-06 特銷稅實施成效與改善建議 book/chapter pdf(132)
2012-05 Stock market development and the decline of the portion of dividend payer throughout the world article pdf(1282)
2011-06 台灣房地產持有成本:金融面 book/chapter pdf(1224)
2010-09 Does the Order between Dividend Payment and New Stock Issuance Matter to Stock Price? - Evidence from Taiwan article pdf(1101)
2010-08 Prior Payment Status and the Likelihood to Pay Dividends: International Evidence article pdf(1205)
2010 2010年台灣地區房地產產業年鑑 report
2006-06 Are dividends informative for new stock issuance article web page(1406)
2004-07 Capital market structure and dividend policies conference
2004-07 Ownership legal protection and dividends conference
2002-12 Financial flexibility and the operating performance of firms after convertible debt offereing conference
2002-12 Dividends ownership and reputation :The expericne of firms in Taiwan before and after financial liberalization conference
2002-05 STockholder ownership structure and debt source preference conference
2000-12 Financial policy on the business cycle: The case of an emerging market conference
1997-06 由資本結構觀點探討我國證券市場資金供需的適合性 conference
1997-01 全民健保財務調整機制 conference
1996-04 權益性資金租稅優惠適用範圍之研議--由企業特性、融資與投資與相關性探討 conference web page(688)
1996 由資本結構觀點探討我國證券市場資金供需的適合性 report web page(832)
1995-10 上市與未上市公司融資組合決定因素之比較-由保留盈餘與已收股本探討 article pdf(495)
1995-01 上市與未上市公司融資組合決定因素之比較--由保留盈餘與已收股本探討 article pdf(1589)
1995 股票投資抵減與融資組合對投資水準的交互影響 report web page(746)
1994 公司財務結構的決定因素-融資方式的分解 report web page(1506)
1993-10 財政政策與股市變動--以因果關係與VAR模型分析的台灣實證結果 article pdf(377)
1993-01 財政政策與股市變動以因果關係與VAR模型分析的台灣實證結果 article pdf(1431)
1992 商業銀行自有資本與風險性資產比例限制有效性之研究 report web page(1190)