
Showing 1-23 of 23
Date Title Type Full Text
2019-09 Communication as play: A pilot study on Taiwan’s LINE sticker agonistics conference
2017-11 Taiwan high school girls’ everyday life aesthetic practices on Instagram: The affordance approach conference pdf(566)
2017-06 跨領域方法輔助質性研究之實作與反思:以使用者打卡實踐為例 conference pdf(240)
2010-12 群體智慧與群體力量的實現:網路社群中的情感標籤與連結方略 conference
2010-07 Subjective tags and its implications on information indexin conference
2010-07 群體智慧與群體力量的實現 conference
2009-08 Internet Pornography and teen sexual attitudes and behavior conference
2008-07 網路色情內容對青少年的涵化效果 conference
2007-07 網路色情對青少年性態度與性行為的影響 conference pdf(10828)
2006-12 電腦中介傳播:理論與回顧 conference
2005-09 網路書寫的傳播意涵初探:解構觀點 conference 說明頁(927)
2005-07 網路報之概念流變(1995-2005) conference
2005-07 網路報之概念流變(1995-2005) conference
2005-07 Implications of weblog communication: A deconstruction perspective conference
2005-07 Implications of weblog communication: A deconstruction perspective conference
2002-11 網路空間與時間文化初探:以MUD 情境為例 conference
2002-06 逐「怪胎」:混沌觀點下的後現代 conference pdf(775)
2001-07 重寫賽伯人:一個模控的觀點 conference pdf(886)
2001-04 網際文本與非線性新聞敘事之理論與實際 conference
1999-08 Front Pages of Taiwan Daily Newspapers 1952-1996 conference
1999-07 數位時代之新聞產製面貌:從兩個案例看網路媒體如何影響新聞型塑 conference pdf(958)
1998-12 從傳統媒體到網路媒體 conference
1998 台灣報紙頭版設計的趨勢分析:1952-1996 conference
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