Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 68
Date Title Type Full Text
2018-08 Media Communication Research in the Digital Era: Moving Beyond Ontological Dualism article pdf(389)
2016-04 Contextuality, Commensurability, and Comparability in Comparative Research: Learning From Chinese Relationship Research article pdf(445)
2014-11 Culture, Paradigm, and Communication Theory: A Matter of Boundary or Commensurability? article pdf(953)
2014 邁向第二代本土研究 : 社會科學本土化的轉機與危機 book/chapter web page(561)
2011 Paradigm Shift and the Centrality of Communication Discipline article pdf(789)
2010-12 Orientalism, Occidentalism and communication research book/chapter
2010-06 The Asian communication debate: culture-specificity, culture-generality, and beyond article pdf(1586)
2010-03 Collectivism, relations, and Chinese communication article pdf(1185)
2010-02 What collective? Collectivism and relationalism from a Chinese perspective article pdf(1614)
2010-02 Collectivism, relations, and Chinese communication article pdf(1431)
2010 Going beyond a dualistic view of culture and economic power: the case of reality television in Greater China article pdf(1237)
2010 De-westernizing communication research: Altering questions and changing frameworks book/chapter web page(1225)
2010 Beyond de-westernizing communication research: An introduction book/chapter web page(1273)
2010 After the fall of the tower of Babel: Culture-commensurability as a point of departure book/chapter web page(1477)
2009-12 Editorial article pdf(1448)
2009-07 Going beyond the dualistic view of culture and market economy: Learning from the localization of reality television in Greater China article pdf(1294)
2009 全球媒體與在地閱聽人---由陰陽世界觀分析媒體全球化現象 report pdf(1117)
2008-08 Reconceptualizing the role of culture in media globalization: reality television in Greater China article
2008-07 Orientalism, Occidentalism and communication research conference
2008-07 Glocalization backfired conference
2008 全球化趨勢下媒介行為比較研究 report web page(577)
2007 全球化趨勢下媒介行為比較研究 report pdf(970)
2007 Globalization and hybridization in cultural production: a tale of two films book/chapter web page(1351)
2005 Globalization and hybridization in cultural productsThe cases of Mulan and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon article pdf(1223)
2003 Foreign investment policies, sovereignty and growth article pdf(828)