
Showing 1-12 of 12
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2013-03 魔鬼代言人:紀念顏元叔老師 article 說明頁(344)
2012-12 再見後殖民:評張君玫《後殖民的陰性情境:語文、翻譯和欲望》 article 說明頁(255)
2010-12 The Aporia of Touch: The Gift of Community in Untouchability article pdf(2000)
2010-12 觸的難局: 不可接觸性之中作為禮物的共同體 article pdf(289)
2009-12 The Origin of Independence and the Temporality of the National Event article pdf(1772)
2006.07 愛是不可能的禮物:人欲在王家衛電影橫流 article pdf(1032)
2004.11 不死鬼: 德希達的禮物 article 說明頁(1048)
2000.12 不可(不)宣佈不獨立:以別名之名 article 說明頁(1013)
2000.10 Translation and the Possibility of Globality: Derrida on Benjamin on Translation article 說明頁(1113)
2000.08 叛國的欲望:雙面諜的祕密認同 article 說明頁(678)
2000.03 The Peregrination of Dissociation: "The Unfortunate Traveller" in the Symbolic Cartography of Nation-building article 說明頁(1223)
1998.09 The Founding Moment: The Formation of Nation and the Spectrality of Empire in \"Henry V\" article 說明頁(1152)
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