
Showing 1-25 of 32
Date Title Type Full Text
2020-06 臺灣華語詞法特點 article pdf(173)
2020-02 太陽依舊升起: Myaamia語的研究 ; 教育 ; 推廣三角關係 article pdf(198)
2019-12 語推運動二三事 article 說明頁(170)
2018-10 語言與文化:遷徙與接觸 專號說明 article pdf(287)
2015-09 政大英外語畢業門檻存廢之探討與配套措施之研議 report pdf(931)
2013-02 評論《達悟語詞典》 article pdf(172)
2012-06 語言的在地化與全球化:評論《全球華語詞典》的詞彙收錄 article 說明頁(381)
2012 華語句法新論 book/chapter 說明頁(573)
2010-12 巴拿馬中巴文化中心中山學校 article 說明頁(390)
2010-03 Picture Dictionary of ’Amis Lives and Picture Dictionary of Bunun Lives article pdf(245)
2009 台灣華語中的被字句與把字句---語料庫、書目與詞彙功能語法分析 (II) report 說明頁(1036)
2008-07-31 「哈佛學院在政治大學」成果報告 report pdf(2198)
2004-05 Corpus and linguistic analysis: variation of relative clauses across genre and register conference
2002-04 華語口語語法與書面語法中結構之差異:以篇正結構為例 conference
2000 雅美語參考語法 book/chapter 說明頁(653)
1999 A marriage with science: corpora and translation and interpretation research conference
1998-12 1998 Application of CLC-based studies and its implication: a case study on interpretation strategies for novice Mandarin-English interpreters conference
1997 Problems and issues in interpretation: exploring learners corpus conference
1997 Written and spoken linguistic features in interpretation conference
1996-11 Development of T & I profession in Taiwan: Academics and Industry conference
1996-07 A Corps-Based Analysis of Linguistic Features in Written and Spoken English article
1996-05 Spoken or Written: a case study of written features in oral text article pdf(254)
1996-05 Spoken or Written?: A Case Study of Written Features in Oral Text article pdf(540)
1996-01 Linguistic features in written and spoken Mandarin: interaction between form and function conference
1996 Speech strategies: comparing written and spoken languages conference