2024-07 |
Is Client-Specific Information Useful to Investors? Evidence From Key Audit Matter Reports |
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2024-06 |
SEC Comment Letters and Audit Firm Size: Impacts on Disclosure Modification and Market Perception |
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2021-12 |
關鍵查核事項是制式八股文嗎? |
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2021-09 |
Impression Management in Public Sector Audit Proposals: Language and Fees |
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2021-06 |
關鍵查核事項複雜度與股價崩跌風險 |
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2021-05 |
CEO Reputation and Audit Fees |
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2021-05 |
Misstatements and Internal Control over Operations and Compliance |
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2019-12 |
Workplace Mindfulness in Accounting Practice: Issues, Opportunities, and Challenges |
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2019-09 |
Workplace Mindfulness in Accounting Practice: Issues, Opportunities and Challenges |
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2019-05 |
Proposal Readability, Audit Firm Size and Engagement Success: Do More Readable Proposals Win Governmental Audit Engagements? |
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2019-05 |
Why Does Decomposed Audit Proposal Readability Differ by Audit Firm Size? A Coh-Metrix Approach |
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2019-04 |
The impact of internal audit attributes on the effectiveness of internal control over operations and compliance. |
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