
Showing 1-25 of 163
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-07 Phonological opacity in Leling disyllabic tone sandhi book/chapter
2023-07 Recursive and non-recursive tone sandhi domains in Laoling trisyllabic sequences conference 說明頁(105)
2022-10 Chinese Phonology book/chapter
2022-03 Prosodized floating tone in triplications of three Taiwan Hakka dialects conference pdf(107)
2022-02 Opacity in Leling trisyllabic tone sandhi book/chapter 說明頁(231)
2021-06 武平上四鄉客家話二字格變調分析 article 說明頁(301)
2020-04 The syntax-prosody competition: Evidence from adjunct prosodic parsing in iGeneration Taiwanese article pdf(204)
2020-04 Phonological opacity in Leling disyllabic tone sandhi conference 說明頁(270)
2020-03 The competition between syntax and rhythm in iGeneration Taiwanese book/chapter pdf(241)
2020 從句法音韻介面觀點研究i-世代台語五字格至多字格之口語變調 report 說明頁(207)
2019-07 Simplifying the Complexities in Shandong Leling Tone Sandhi conference pdf(93)
2019-06 Tonal behavior of classifiers in iGeneration Taiwanese conference pdf(133)
2019-01 Serial Tonal Derivations in Southern Taiwanese Diminutive Structure book pdf(276)
2019 從句法音韻介面觀點研究 i-世代台語二字格、三字格及四字格之口語變調 (2/2) report pdf(225)
2018-03 The prosody-tone connection in Taiwanese speech, verse and idioms: a corpus analysis book/chapter 說明頁(515)
2018-03 Tone sandhi of young speakers’ Taiwanese book/chapter 說明頁(579)
2018-01 An Analysis of Taiwan Southern Min Tetrasyllabic Adjective Reduplication article 說明頁(637)
2018 從句法音韻介面觀點研究 i-世代台語二字格、三字格及四字格之口語變調 (1/2) report pdf(248)
2017 Intonational phrasing in Zhuolan Raoping book/chapter 說明頁(562)
2017 從句法音韻介面觀點研究卓蘭饒平五字組及多字組之連讀變調 (2/2) report pdf(175)
2016 從句法音韻介面觀點研究卓蘭饒平五字組及多字組之連讀變調 (1/2) report pdf(192)
2015-10 Rethinking OCP effects on tone sandhi article 說明頁(983)
2015-04 A Phonological Trio: Architecture, Patterns and Language book/chapter 說明頁(1609)
2015 Tonal chain shifts in Taiwanese: a comparative markedness approach book/chapter pdf(747)
2014 從句法音韻介面觀點研究卓蘭饒平三字組及四字組之連讀變調 report pdf(250)