
Showing 1-25 of 36
日期 題名 類型 全文
2019 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Optimizing Finance Portfolio Management conference 說明頁(442)
2017-08 Challenges of Automated Machine Learning on Causal Impact Analytics for Policy Evaluation, conference pdf(255)
2015-12 Structured Machine Learning for Data Analytics and Modeling: Intelligent Security as An Example conference 說明頁(896)
2014-12 Propagation Control Services for WebID Analytics on the Decentralized Social Web conference pdf(316)
2014-08 Privacy-Preserving WebID Analytics on the Decentralized Policy-Aware Social Web conference pdf(468)
2013-12 建置兼具國家安全與個人隱私保護的資通訊情蒐與分析系統 conference pdf(508)
2013-11 Balancing Data Utility and Privacy Protection in the Socially Aware Data Cloud conference pdf(528)
2013-06 Crafting a balance between big data utility and protection in the semantic data cloud conference 說明頁(962)
2012 Towards law-aware semantic cloud policies with exceptions for data integration and protection conference 說明頁(907)
2011-05 A semantic privacy-preserving model for data sharing and integration conference pdf(1132)
2011 Semantics-enabled policies for information sharing and protection in the cloud conference 說明頁(725)
2010 SemPIF: A Semantic Meta-policy Interchange Format for Multiple Web Policies conference 說明頁(770)
2009-11 The International RuleML Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications (RuleML 2009) conference
2009-11 Challenges for rule systems on the web conference pdf(785)
2008-06 Semantic Enforcement of Privacy Protection Policies via the Combination of Ontologies and Rules conference
2007-11 Semantic-Driven Enforcement of Rights Delegation Policies via the Combination of Rules conference
2007-05 Bridging Different Generation of Web via Exploiting Semantic Social Web Blog Portal conference pdf(408)
2005-10 如何在對等式資訊系統下合法且公平的共享及使用數位內容:科技創新和版權保護的均衡點 conference
2005-05 Combining Ontology and Rules as Service Constraint Policy for P2P Systems conference pdf(307)
2005-04 Pre-proposal Idea" Semantic Web Services with Constraints Policy for P2P (Grid) Systems conference
2004-12 電子化政府的新架構:建立以知識管理為主的政府資訊網服務入口網站 conference
2003-09 Agent-Oriented Public Key Infrastructure for Multi-Agent E-Service conference pdf(2559)
2002-06 Incentives of Agent-Based Distributed Intrusion Detection Systems on the Open Internet conference pdf(985)
2001-06 An Agent-Based Secure E-Commerce Environment with Distributed Authentication and Authorization Services conference
2001-06 Some Thoughts on Agent Trust and Delegation conference pdf(2156)