Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 25
Date Title Type Full Text
2013-03 Solving System of Linear Equations Based on Modified Homotopy Perturbation Method article pdf(1100)
2012-12 Pricing the American Options from the Viewpoints of Traders article pdf(864)
2012-12 Option Trading Strategies with Integer Linear Programming article pdf(1338)
2012.01 An Asymptotic Solution for the Free Boundary Parabolic Equations article pdf(1416)
2011-07 An asymptotic solution for the free boundary parabolic equations article web page(1288)
2009-10 Solving a two variables free boundary problem arising in a perpetual american exchange option pricing model article web page(897)
2009 解線性模糊等式系統的數值方法 report pdf(807)
2009 Pricing and hedging American options in incomplete markets article pdf(792)
2008-06 Investors’ preference order of fuzzy numbers article pdf(909)
2007 指定科目數學考科非選擇題試題研發計劃 (95) report
2006 還原選擇權風險中立測度之規劃模型 report pdf(861)
2000 建立指數基金的目標規畫模型及其對偶關係 report pdf(1168)
2000 使用整數目標規劃建立指數基金 report pdf(1701)
1997-07 Process Planning in a Fuzzy Environment article
1997-05 Bridging the Gap Between Heuristics and Optimization in Process Systems Engineering via Analytical Investigations article
1997 Worse case and probabilistic analysis for a class multiperiod MILPs conference
1996-11 Optimization in Process Planning under Uncertainty article
1996-03 Long Range Planning in the Process Industries :A Projection Approach article
1996 Optimization in Process Planning Under Uncertainty,International Business Logistic conference
1995 Computational trends and effects of approximations in an MILP model for process planning article
1995 Planning of Chemical Process Networks via Global Concave Minimization conference web page(415)
1994 A Branch-and-Cut Optimizer for Process Planning conference
1994 Mixed Integer Planning Models and Polyhedral Projection conference
1993 Long Range Planning in the Process Industries by Variable Disaggregation, Polyhedral Projection and Cutting Planes, report
1983-03 On the Rate of Almost Sure Convergence of the Robbins-Monro Method article
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