2019-11 |
CEO內部負債和企業社會責任之關聯性--風險管理與資源依賴觀點 |
conference |
pdf(220) |
2019-08 |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Nonaudit Service Fees |
conference |
web page(231) |
2019-08 |
Does Managerial Ability Matter for the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Performance? |
conference |
web page(231) |
2017-06 |
Firms strategies, business group, and external equity for IPO firms: Signal theory |
conference |
pdf(377) |
2016-05 |
Equity Incentives and Corporate Social Responsibility |
conference |
web page(289) |
2015-11 |
Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategy, and Firm Performance |
conference |
web page(266) |
2014 |
策略、管理控制系統與新產品開發績效之關係——從會計人員作業觀點 |
conference |
pdf(373) |
2014 |
組織學習能力對無形資本與公司績效關連性之中介效果 |
conference |