Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 27
Date Title Type Full Text
2014-06 實用生活華語 : 掌握語用情境溝通.對話的秘訣 book/chapter web page(230)
2008.04 以英語為母語之華語學生“把”字句中介與之研究 article pdf(1097)
2004-05 Methodology in Contrastive Linguistics: a case study of certain adverbs in Chinese and English conference
2001 A Corpus-based Study of Some English Prepositions conference
2000 語料庫與第二語言教學 report pdf(1650)
2000 學習者語料庫與台灣大學生之英語口語教學 report pdf(1488)
2000 Corpora and Second Language Teaching and Learning conference
1999 To Trash or to Treasure? That is a Question conference
1998 Use of WWW Resources for Translation Classes in Taiwan conference pdf(746)
1998 A New Model of Teaching Pedagogy in CHISEL for the 21st Century conference
1998 Corpora and the Autonomy in Teaching and Learning English conference
1998 Use WWW Resources for Translation Classes in Taiwan article pdf(845)
1997-06 如何提升我國對外華語教學在世界上的競爭力 article
1997 The Application of Contrastive Linguistics to Foreign Language Teaching and Learning conference
1997 國內華語教學之評估及其與國外華語教學之相關性 conference
1996-12 從語言學家與外語教學家的觀點看中文的記音符號 article
1996-09 如何學好中文的聲調 article web page(1040)
1996-03 對外華語教材的評估及其今後之編撰方針 article
1996 漢語語法教學中之句型教學 conference
1996 從語言與文化的相關性談中國人社交習慣 conference
1996 從語言教師的觀點談多媒體語言視聽教材之評估 conference
1996 多媒體教學軟體與英語教學 conference
1995-06 對我國推展華語教學的幾點建言 article
1995 多媒體語言視聽教學的規劃與評估 conference
1994-12 談華語教學法 article