
Showing 1-20 of 20
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-10 To Merge or to Help Related Firms Merge? Vertical Mergers in Cournot Oligopolies with Complementary Inputs article 說明頁(78)
2023-09 資源錯置與產業動態:以台灣的動態隨機存取記憶體產業為例 article 說明頁(132)
2023-03 To Make or to Buy from a Common Supplier? Strategic Considerations and Welfare Consequences article 說明頁(238)
2022-11 Comparison of misallocation between the Chinese thermal power and hydropower electricity industries article 說明頁(130)
2022-01 Resource misallocation and the development of hydropower industry article 說明頁(175)
2021-06 Establishing Science Parks Everywhere? Misallocation in R article pdf(178)
2021-06 Resource misallocation in the Chinese wind power industry: The role of feed-in tariff policy article pdf(232)
2021-06 貿易報復下的資源錯置分析:以中國太陽能產業為例 article pdf(152)
2020-02 Wel-fare-improving Vertical Mergers in the Presence of Downstream Product Differentiation article pdf(177)
2019-04 哪類孩子最受教?從政大校務資料看學生表現 article pdf(212)
2017-11 Trade barrier and misallocations: The case of the photovoltaic manufacturing industry in China article pdf(227)
2017-06 What determines misallocation in innovation? A study of regional innovation in China article pdf(436)
2017-06 Misallocations and policy constraints on mergers in the modern manufacturing sector article pdf(432)
2017 Misallocations and policy constraints on mergers in the modern manufacturing sector article 說明頁(606)
2016-12 垂直整合廠商是否促成下游競爭廠商的聯合行為 article 說明頁(88)
2016-06 多「錢」入學?從政大學生組成看多元入學 article 說明頁(237)說明頁(79)
2016-05 The Competition and Franchise Decision in Fast-Food Industry: Empirical Results in Taiwan article pdf(471)
2014-12 集合式住宅房價泡沫形成之研究以台中市為例 article pdf(586)
2014-07 The co-movement between oil and agricultural commodity prices: Evidence from an emerging market in China article pdf(620)
2014-06 The Co-movement between Oil and Agricultural Commodity Prices: Evidence from the Emerging Market of China article pdf(400)
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