
Showing 1-25 of 38
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-10 Solar farm policy and farmland price – A land zoning perspective article 說明頁(84)
2023-06 臺灣農地價格的回顧 article 說明頁(62)
2023-06 從使用價值之差別課稅觀點分析農地合理使用 article 說明頁(86)
2021-12 Underground Pipeline Explosions and Housing Prices: Quasi-experimental Evidence from an Urban City article 說明頁(190)
2021-12 農地重劃減緩土地產權細碎化成效之評估—以嘉義縣為例 article 說明頁(226)
2021-12 臺北市違章建築查報及後續處理決策因素 article 說明頁(314)
2021-12 Towards Sustainable Urban Car–Parking Solutions: Exploring Effects of Parking Policies Using Spatial Regression Analysis article 說明頁(100)
2021-03 臺北市住宅興建決定因素:市場特性、開發政策與土地產權的整合觀點 article pdf(246)
2020-12 Does A Farmland Zoning Program Impact Farm Income? Empirical Evidence from Farm Households in Taiwan article pdf(233)
2018-11 Land assembly for urban development in Taipei City with particular reference to old neighborhoods article pdf(289)
2018-09 Diminution in Property Values Caused by Structure Defect- Concepts and Calculation article pdf(409)
2018-09 瑕疵建物價值減損之估算-觀念與應用 article pdf(409)
2016-04 Does the Minimum Lot Size Program Affect Farmland Values? Empirical Evidence Using Administrative Data and Regression Discontinuity in Taiwan article pdf(162)
2015-11 Does the Minimum Lot Size Program Affect Farmland Values? Empirical Evidence Using Administrative Data and Regression Discontinuity Design in Taiwan article pdf(607)
2015-09 農地改革、產權界定和土地市場 article 說明頁(806)
2015-09 農地改革、產權界定與土地市場 article 說明頁(660)
2014-06 由政府統計觀察台灣農地市場 article 說明頁(737)
2013.03 污染土地再利用的幾個想法 article 說明頁(909)
2011-03 公寓建物之折舊估算與房屋稅負 article pdf(849)
2010-05 法拍屋拍定價格對於再轉售價格之定錨效果 article pdf(1665)
2010 Property Tax Inequity Resulting from Inaccurate Assessment- The Taiwan Experience article pdf(940)
2009-12 受污染工業土地之風險、污名與價值:美國經驗的啟示 article pdf(2444)
2009 The Protection of Property Rights through Compersation Observations from Taiwan article 說明頁(1638)
2009 Inequity of Land Valuation in the Highly Developed City of Taipei Taiwan article pdf(958)
2009 The Protection of Property Rights through Compensation- Observations from Taiwan article pdf(996)