Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 71
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-12 112年度強化農地資源決策評估及永續利用計畫—農地產權複雜度衡量與農地資源決策評估機制之建立 report web page(67)
2023-11 LINE聊天機器人自願式地理資訊之事件通報與警戒推播 conference pdf(2)
2023-11 缺水時期之用水型態時空分析—以桃園市與高雄市為例 conference pdf(0)
2023-06 Remote sensing and data analyses on planetary topography article web page(216)
2023-06 遙測估算建物形變及其影響因素評估 - 以臺北市為例 article web page(122)
2023-02 A framework for the sustainable risk assessment of in-river hydraulic structures: A case study of Taiwan’s Daan River article web page(138)
2023-02 InSAR-based investigation on spatiotemporal characteristics of river sediment behavior article web page(173)
2022-12 Effect of COVID-19 lockdowns on city-center and suburban housing markets: Evidence from Hangzhou, China article web page(138)
2022-12 基於資料變更擷取架構發展地籍區塊鏈土地變遷事件溯源機制 conference web page(204)
2022-11 Urban hazards caused by ground deformation and building subsidence over fossil lake beds: a study from Taipei City article web page(156)
2022-07 A function design for a power generation corner reflector for SAR analysis conference web page(205)
2022-06 ICESat-2於台灣本島地形高程之特性分析 article web page(174)
2022-01 The Survey of Lava Tube Distribution in Jeju Island by Multi-Source Data Fusion article web page(145)
2021-12 Underground burning of Jharia Coal Mine (India) and Associated Surface Deformation using InSAR Data article pdf(185)
2021-12 110年度建立農地資源決策評估及永續利用—農地產權複雜度衡量與農地政策決策評估機制之建立 report pdf(110)
2021-12 基於區塊鏈技術的地籍變遷資料存證與查詢系統 conference web page(205)
2021-09 An empirical method for decomposing the contributions of land and building values to housing value article web page(99)
2021-07 Towards Monitoring of Mountain Mass Wasting using Object-Based Image Analysis using SAR Intensity Images conference pdf(191)
2021-06 The use of InSAR phase coherence analyses for the monitoring aeolian erosion article pdf(241)
2021-03 臺北市住宅興建決定因素:市場特性、開發政策與土地產權的整合觀點 article pdf(286)
2021-02 Processing Framework for Landslide Detection Based on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Intensity-Image Analysis article pdf(253)
2021-01 An empirical method for decomposing the contributions of land and building to housing value article web page(240)
2020-07 地籍區塊鏈平台上的土地變遷歷史追蹤機制 conference web page(431)
2020-06 合成孔徑雷達干涉產製數值高程模型影響因素評估 - 以季節像對與多視處理為例 article pdf(327)
2020-03 高雄氣爆後的房價被市場暴棄了? article pdf(258)