2022-12 |
Hybridity of Genres in Margaret Cavendish’s The Blazing World |
article |
pdf(203) |
2022-10 |
Juvenalian Satiric Nostalgia in Delarivier Manley’s The New Atalantis |
conference |
pdf(173) |
2017-08 |
文化無所不在:小組及個人口頭報告活動在大一英文課程的運用 |
book/chapter |
web page(653) |
2014-12 |
Jane Barker`s a Patch-Work Screen for the Ladies: Female Prose Fiction in the Menippean Tradition |
article |
pdf(721) |
2014 |
女性科幻小說與科學:瑪格麗特‧柯芬蒂詩《炫麗異世界》中的靈魂離體旅行與當代自然哲學論辯 |
report |
pdf(198) |
2009.06 |
Influence or ‘Influenza’? Pamela, Anti-Pamela, and the Tradition of Women’s Amatory Fiction |
article |
pdf(1106) |
2009.06 |
綏夫特即格理弗?從《格理弗遊記》卷頭插畫與前頁論作者身分與虛構性之關係 |
article |
pdf(822) |