
Showing 1-21 of 21
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-08 Grand Strategy under Contestation: How the Rise of China Shaped the US Perceptions and Choices conference 說明頁(190)
2022-11 美國國家大戰略:可持續的研究議程? conference pdf(119)
2022-03 川普對中國的定位與習近平的認知 conference pdf(36)
2020-09 Actions Speak Louder Than Words: EADF and the Future of Democracy in East Asia pdf(201)
2019-01 Trading with the Enemy? How Taiwan Debates Its Trading Relations with China conference
2012-11 Maritime Security in Asia-Pacific: Taiwan`s Contribution as a Peacemaker conference
2012-10 中國大陸與世界貿易組織:從規則遵守者到規則制定者? conference
2012-09 Words and Deeds: The Ma Ying-jeou Administration`s View on Arms Procurement from the United States conference
2012-08 China and the Liberal International Order: Did China`s Accession to WTO Shape Its Behavior? conference pdf(995)
2011-11 全球金融危機對新自由制度主義之衝擊:以東亞地區之安全議題為例 conference
2011-10 中國大陸國家機關角色與能源安全:以政府部門對於石油能源取得之規劃為例 conference
2011-10 理性?不理性?小布希發動伊拉克戰爭之研析 conference
2011-09 Butter versus Guns: Economic Interdependence and the Cross-Strait Relations conference pdf(1602)
2011-08 The Ties that Divide: China, the Six-Party Talks, and Peace in the Korean Peninsula conference
2011-06 From Wealth to Power?: Trade Expectations and China`s Assertive International Behavior conference
2011-05 China, the US, and the Future of G2 conference
2010-10 G20:合作平台還是鬥爭場域? conference
2010-08 To Talk or Not to Talk: Domestic Constraints on Ma Ying-jeou`s Political Reach-Out to China conference
2010-06 論當代國際關係研究之自由主義學派 conference 說明頁(843)
2009-12 歐巴馬東亞行與美「中」關係之回顧與展望 conference
2009-09 Chimerica or Chimera? Implications for Taiwan conference
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