
Showing 1-25 of 44
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-10 冷戰再起?美中關係的現狀與展望 article 說明頁(21)
2022-06 Taiwan in APEC: A Partner Indeed article 說明頁(121)
2020-09 美國總統大選對中政策及影響觀察 article pdf(215)
2019-07 霸權國家與核武發展:論東北亞的安全情勢 article 說明頁(364)
2018-04 US Response to China`s Belt and Road Initiative article pdf(351)
2018-01 Prospect for Crisis in the Korean Peninsula: Six-Party Talks 2.0 in the Making? article pdf(372)
2016-09 美國南海政策之演變 article 說明頁(556)
2015-01 當前朝鮮半島的安全困境--以2010 年天安艦事件以來為例 article pdf(1009)
2015-01 2015年東北亞情勢展望 article 說明頁(1611)
2014-12 The South China Sea and Great Power Politics: Implications for U.S.-China-Taiwan Relations article pdf(992)
2014-11 十年磨一劍?從孔子學院在西方受挫看中共軟實力發展 article 說明頁(968)
2014-11 美國南海政策與三項凍結行動主張 article 說明頁(1073)
2014-10 Déjà Vu? China’s Assessments on the World in the Early 1990s and Late 2000s article pdf(818)
2014.04 近期北韓飛彈危機與東北亞安全 article 說明頁(1115)
2014.04 Taiwan’s Viable Diplomacy in Times of Uncertainty article pdf(1085)
2014.04 The Taiwan Relations Act at 35 Years: The Path Ahead article pdf(1273)
2014 East Asia at the Crossroads: A Comparative Study on Taiwan`s and Korea`s Reconciliation with Adversaries article pdf(1394)
2013-09 End at the water`s edge? Taiwan`s domestic debate over arms procurement from the United States article pdf(776)
2013.08 第五輪美中`戰略與經濟對話評析` article 說明頁(948)
2013-03 見た目は新しいが中身は変わらず:第二期オバマ政権のアジア太平洋政策の初歩研究 article 說明頁(948)
2013-03 北韓第三次核試對東北亞局勢之影響 article pdf(960)
2013-03 Much Ado about Nothing? Trustpolitik and the Future of the Korean Peninsula article pdf(1332)
2013-01 Gone with the Wind? Strategic Distrust and U.S.-China Relations article pdf(1371)
2012-10 全球金融危機對新自由制度主義之衝擊:以六方會談為例 article pdf(820)
2012-09 東海和平倡議與東北亞情勢 article pdf(939)