Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 32
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-07 Uncertainty and Housing Market: Market, Economics and Policy conference pdf(121)
2023-06 社群媒體情緒與房市交易資訊關係之檢視 article web page(122)
2022-12 市場關注與房市變化關聯性之驗證 article web page(96)
2022-12 社群媒體情緒與房市關係之探討 conference web page(84)
2022-10 Willingness to Purchase a House during Economic Lost Decades in Japanese Urban Housing Market article web page(172)
2022-10 房市參與者之關注會影響房價嗎? article web page(230)
2022-08 The Covid-19 Pandemic Shocks and the Housing Market conference pdf(111)
2022-07 從消費支出檢視房屋財富效果 article web page(185)
2022-03 美河市聯開案公私權益分配之爭議 個案 web page(318)
2022-01 市場關注與房市變化關聯性之驗證 conference
2021-09 Experience of the Lost Decades and the Urban Housing Market: A Case Study from Japan conference web page(226)
2021-07 房市參與者之關注會影響房價嗎? conference pdf(138)
2021-07 Experience of the Lost Decades and the Urban Housing Market: A Case Study from Japan conference pdf(69)
2021.02 遠雄大巨蛋BOT爭議及促參永續推動:當公共利益遇上商業利益 個案 web page(433)
2020-12 情緒會影響房市嗎?指數編制與驗證 article pdf(280)
2020-12 Do Higher House Prices Indicate Higher Safety? Price Volatility Risk in Major Cities in Taiwan conference pdf(204)
2020-12 Housing Policy, Hedging Propensity and Young Households: Evidence from Taiwan conference web page(123)
2020-12 房市參與者之關注會影響房價嗎? conference web page(152)
2020-09 媒體傳播效應與房市變化關聯性之驗證 article pdf(249)
2020-09 Disclosure Effects in the Taiwan Residential Housing Market conference web page(211)
2020-03 媒體傳播效應與房市變化關聯性之驗證 article pdf(236)
2020-03 Do higher house prices indicate higher safety? Price volatility risk in major cities in Taiwan article web page(175)
2018-12 從行為經濟學看台灣不動產市場:羅伯特席勒教授來台演講之省思與啟示 article pdf(349)
2017-09 What forces drive the dynamic interaction between regional housing prices? article web page(726)
2016-06 2015政策對房地產發展影響 book/chapter pdf(253)