
Showing 1-25 of 49
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2024-04 Anonymous hierarchical identity-based encryption with delegated traceability for cloud-based data sharing systems article 說明頁(32)
2023-08 Cryptanalysis of a round optimal lattice-based multisignature scheme article 說明頁(124)
2022-09 Privacy-preserving bidirectional keyword search over encrypted data for cloud-assisted IIoT article 說明頁(110)
2022-06 Extension of elliptic curve Qu–Vanstone certificates and their applications article 說明頁(108)
2022-03 Quantum-resistant anonymous identity-based encryption with trable identities article 說明頁(116)
2021-09 A Generic Construction of Predicate Proxy Key Re-encapsulation Mechanism article 說明頁(123)
2021-05 Designated-ciphertext searchable encryption article pdf(135)
2021-02 Private Predicate Encryption for Inner Product from Key-Homomorphic Pseudorandom Function article pdf(217)
2021-01 Provably secure authentication key exchange scheme using fog nodes in vehicular ad hoc networks article pdf(250)
2020-11 Intelligence-led response: turning theory into law enforcement practice in cyber security incidents article 說明頁(200)
2020-08 Generic Construction of Dual-Server Public Key Encryption With Keyword Search on Cloud Computing article pdf(193)
2020-05 PrivGRU: Privacy-preserving GRU inference using additive secret sharing article 說明頁(227)
2018-06 High-capacity quantum secret sharing based on orbital angular momentum article 說明頁(744)
2018-06 Threshold quantum state sharing based on entanglement swapping article pdf(445)
2018-06 Establishing rational networking using the DL04 quantum secure direct communication protocol article pdf(529)
2018-04 Efficient quantum secret sharing based on special multi-dimensional GHZ state article pdf(367)
2018-03 Multi-dimensional quantum state sharing based on quantum Fourier transform article pdf(452)
2018-03 A shareable keyword search over encrypted data in cloud computing article pdf(457)
2018-01 Establishing rational networking using the DL04 quantum secure direct communication protocol. article 說明頁(559)
2018 Rational quantum secret sharing article pdf(272)
2018 Three-party quantum secret sharing based on phase shift operation article 說明頁(440)
2017-11 Somewhat semantic secure public key encryption with filtered-equality-test in the standard model and its extension to searchable encryption article pdf(382)
2017-10 Privacy-Preserving Data Communication Through Secure Multi-Party Computation in Healthcare Sensor Cloud article pdf(766)
2017-06 Somewhat Semantic Secure Public Key Encryption with Filtered-Equality-Test in the Standard Model and Its Extension to Searchable Encryption article pdf(455)
2015-10 PKE-AET: Public Key Encryption with Authorized Equality Test article 說明頁(912)