2022-12 |
他者的力量—流行舞蹈中的敢曝風格 |
article |
pdf(0) |
2021-09 |
The "Olympic Legacy" of the Tokyo 2020 Games: A Reconsideration Based on Relevant Literature Published in Japan |
article |
web page(168) |
2018-12 |
身體.語言.默會知識-運動技術的翻譯問題 |
article |
pdf(254) |
2018 |
A Formidable Triad: Mindfulness, Enactive Knowledge, and Physical Education |
conference |
2018 |
Mindfulness, Embodied Knowledge and Physical Education |
conference |
2014-08 |
The Reinforcement of Theory and Practice:
Physical Education as a Philosophical Practice through Somaesthetics |
conference |
2012-01 |
Backboards and Blackboards—敘說兼顧訓練與課業的學生運動員 |
conference |
2010-12 |
奧林匹克運動與奧林匹克主義的哲學研究 |
article |
pdf(4017) |
2010-09 |
身體定位-探討運動哲學研究中的尼采 |
article |
pdf(971) |
2008 |
邁向超人之路 : 運動人的哲學圖像 |
book/chapter |
web page(990) |