Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-21 of 21
Date Title Type Full Text
2016 Tamkang Review: Foreword article web page(536)
2015-12 再讀一次也可以:玉音放送的聲音與技術政治學 article pdf(244)
2014-12 意識形態批判之必要:從于治中意識形態的幽靈得到的些許發想 article pdf(298)
2012.07 花鼠仔的民族主義:一些有關保釣運動的思考 article web page(1094)
2012.01 在「我可以有一件襯衫」之後:論生命政治的失能與裸命的大能 article pdf(832)
2011-08 Being-There: The Ontology of Biopower in H. G. Wells’ The Island of Doctor Moreau article pdf(302)
2011.06 認同政治的幽靈 article pdf(545)
2010.12 尋找在場的生命倫理學:讀子安宣邦近代日本與兩種倫理學有感 article web page(928)
2010.06 反胃的社會主義?:論辛克萊 叢林的生命政治 article pdf(861)
2006.09 恆常與無常:論朱天心 古都中的空間、身體與政治經濟學 article pdf(558)
2006-09 Mutability and Immutability: Space, Body, and Political Economy in Tien-Hsin Chu`s "Ancient Capital" article pdf(338)
2006.02 視覺與觸覺的辯證接合:班雅民的閒遊者、視覺衝擊與神經支配 article pdf(693)
2006-02 When the Visual Passes Dialectically into the Tactile: Walter Benjamin`s Flâneur, Visual Shock, and Innervation article pdf(364)
2003-01 Uncanny Elizabeth Drury: Revisit the Legitimation Crisis of Renaissance Anatomy via John Donne`s "The First Anniversarie: An Anatomie of the World" article pdf(282)
2002.01 「記憶失控錯置的擬相」:李昂 自傳の小說中的記憶與救贖 article pdf(1222)
2002-01 A Simulated and Dislocated Image Fostered When Memory Goes Haywire : On Memory and Salvation in Li Ang`s Autobiographical Novel article pdf(378)
2001.12 在公眾服飾的遮蔽中彰顯的私密真實:以希利雅德於1591年為唐恩所繪的纖細畫像為例 article pdf(510)
2001-12 The Private Truth Revealed in the Concealment of Public Costume: John Donne`s 1591 Portrait Miniature by Nicholas Hilliard, a Case in Point article pdf(341)
1998-08 The Importance of the ‘Exterior’ and ‘Errant Matter’: Louis Althusser’s Theoreticism and Self-Criticism Revisited article web page(327)
1996.10 我被決定故我在?:論傅科與拉崗的主體觀 article web page(986)
1995.07 閱讀魅影:論德希達的繼承慾望與介入性閱讀 article web page(905)
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