Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 46
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-08 Interaction between peptides and an MoS2 monolayer containing a nanopore: First-principles calculations article web page(258)
2023-08 Exchange interaction for the triplet superconductor UTe2 article web page(235)
2022-01 Pressure-dependent topological superconductivity on the surface of FeTe0.5Se0.5 article web page(436)
2019-03 Distinctive signatures of the spin- and momentum-forbidden dark exciton states in the photoluminescence of strained WSe2 monolayers under thermalization article pdf(408)
2018-09 Armchair MoS2 nanoribbons turned into half metals through deposition of transition-metal and Si atomic chains article web page(1015)
2018 Anti-site defect effect on the electronic structure of a Bi2Te3 topological insulator article web page(1269)
2017-07 Electronic structures of hybrid graphane/boron nitride nanoribbons with hydrogen vacancies article pdf(652)
2016-12 Thin films of topological crystalline insulator SnTe in contact with heterogeneous atomic layers article web page(1029)
2015-10 Electronic Structures of Clusters of Hydrogen Vacancies on Graphene article pdf(1047)
2014.09 Topological states of Sb thin films contacted by a single sheet of heterogeneous atoms article pdf(1455)
2014.08 Energy band modulation of graphane by hydrogen-vacancy chains: A first-principles study article pdf(1095)
2013-03 Topological surface states revealed by Sb thin films adsorbed with impurity atoms article pdf(1370)
2012.03 Electronic structures of graphane with vacancies and graphene adsorbed with fluorine atoms article pdf(1101)
2012 Coupling of a carbon nanotube and graphene nanoribbon by titanium and vanadium chains: a first-principles study article web page(1429)
2011.05 Structural and Electronic Properties of Bismuth and Lead Nanowires Inside Carbon Nanotubes article web page(1219)
2011.01 Exploring the interaction between the boron nitride nanotube and biological molecules article pdf(1078)
2011.01 Low-energy electronic structures of nanotube–nanoribbon hybrid systems article pdf(1295)
2011.01 Structural and electronic properties of graphene nanotube–nanoribbon hybrids article web page(1226)
2010.11 Graphane with defect or transition-metal impurity article pdf(1286)
2009 A metallic graphene layer adsorbed with lithium article pdf(1002)
2008 Magnetic molecules made of nitrogen or boron-doped fullerenes article pdf(1089)
2007 Density functional calculation of hydrogen-filled C60 molecules article pdf(384)
2006.02 True nanocable assemblies with insulating BN nanotube sheaths and conducting Cu nanowire cores. article web page(1583)
2006 Nanocables made of a transition metal wire and boron nitride sheath: Density functional calculations article pdf(1099)
2005 Doping a C60 molecule with potassium atoms: A theoretical study article pdf(1199)