Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 66
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-09 The Fisheries Subsidies Agreement as A Link Between International Trade Law and Fisheries Law: Possibilities and Challenges conference pdf(2)
2023-05 A Study on the First Multilateral Trade Agreement Regarding the Ocean Sustainability under the WTO---Fisheries Subsidies Agreement and Its Implications on Taiwan conference pdf(1)
2023-01 初探WTO架構下第一個關於海洋永續的多邊貿易協定--《漁業補貼協定》 article web page(249)
2022-09 論南海仲裁案後之南海軍事活動 conference web page(217)
2022-08 從二〇一六年《中菲南海仲裁判斷》看終戰前日本歷史文件對當代南海秩序之影響 conference web page(197)
2022-07 Ending the Abuse of Fisheries and Human Rights in the Fisheries Sector via International Law and Domestic Laws: A Case Study of Taiwan conference web page(159)
2022-05 A Study on Blue Economy as a Reflection of the Law of the Sea Development with Emphasis of China and its Role conference web page(160)
2022-05 Current Development of Fisheries Subsidies Regulations after the Failure of WTO Doha Round Negotiations with a Focus on the Asia-Pacific Region article web page(143)
2022-04 論國家管轄範圍以外地區海洋生物多樣性議題以及當前之挑戰 article web page(165)
2021-12 國際海事組織之國際規範與台灣法制—以《壓艙水公約》為例 book/chapter web page(120)
2021-12 Current Development of Fisheries Subsidies Regulations after the Failure of WTO Doha Round Negotiations conference web page(272)
2021-12 論近期中國海域立法之發展及其影響--以《海警法》 對國際秩序之挑戰為例 conference web page(168)
2021-11 初探海上網路行動之相關國際規範發展 conference
2021-10 Exclusive Economic Zone Act book/chapter web page(161)
2021-10 Marine Pollution book/chapter web page(153)
2021-10 Taiwan and Japan Fishery Disputes book/chapter web page(268)
2021-10 Taiwan and the Philippines Fishery Disputes book/chapter web page(223)
2021-10 Territorial Sea Act book/chapter web page(114)
2021-10 Treaty of Shimonoseki book/chapter web page(139)
2021-10 Treaty-Making in Taiwan book/chapter web page(150)
2021-10 Ocean Governance: Ocean Law Enforcement Agency book/chapter
2021-10 Law of the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China book/chapter
2021-10 Law on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf of the Republic of China book/chapter
2021-10 論新冠肺炎對海員權益之影響與國際海事組織之因應 conference web page(189)
2021-10 論BBNJ談判發展以及新冠肺炎之影響 conference web page(137)