
Showing 1-25 of 33
日期 題名 類型 全文
2023-07 異地安身:台灣的東南亞田野故事 book 說明頁(97)
2021-10 參與、合作與行動:疫情前後以社區為基礎的服務學習課之發展與改變 conference pdf(129)
2021-09 Offline Community Chinese Classes: USR’s Strategies to Recruit Students, Manage Classes, and Establish an Online CSL Learning Platform conference
2021-04 新住民子女跨國銜轉教育之研究 report pdf(279)
2020-09 安康社區的另一面:USR計畫中社區誌的運用與書寫 conference 說明頁(307)
2019-09 靈(pei)/魂(kvaen)現聲:壯族末婆(meh moed)儀式旅程中地景與聲景交織的靈/魂觀 book 說明頁(426)
2019-08 De/Re-construction of Zhuang Shamanic Songs in Cultural Festivals 期刊論文 pdf(292)
2019-05 Ritual Practices and Networks of Zhuang Shamans 專書篇章 說明頁(470)
2019-05 Ritual Practices and Networks of Zhuang Shamans 專書篇章 說明頁(451)
2018-10 越南儂智高(Nùng Trí Cao)研究動態(地方篇) article pdf(339)
2018-10 在「興隆安康」社區看見越南:政大USR計畫新住民關懷計畫 conference 說明頁(169)
2018-08 Song Spirits and the Role of Singing in Zhuang Spirit Medium Rituals in China conference pdf(234)
2018-04 越南儂智高(Nùng Trí Cao)研究動態(歷史篇) article
2018-03 Construction of Religious Communities Centering around Zhuang Shamans conference 說明頁(171)
2017-12 A Hero Crosses Boundaries: Shamanic Rituals of Nung Tri Cao in a Sino-Vietnamese Border Town conference 說明頁(192)
2017-07 Cultural Figure or Political Symbol? Nong Zhigao as Tai Chief or National Hero in the Sino-Vietnamese Borderland conference 說明頁(183)
2017-06 中國非物質文化遺產政策下 廣西壯族「末倫」(moedlaenz) 舞臺化展演的探討與反思 article pdf(511)
2017-04 中越邊境(Tai)語首領與民族英雄儂智高的遺跡重建與廟會恢復之考察 conference
2017-04 從越南高平廣淵2017搶花炮活動初探族群互動與儂智高崇拜 conference 說明頁(157)
2016-12 末婆、嬤嬤、娘娘與我:反思壯族儀式研究的田野經驗與知識⽣產 article pdf(478)
2015-06 從廣西西南三縣農曆七月壯族燒衣(pyau ei)儀式論壯族本土宗教儀式專家的傳承 article pdf(829)
2014-11 趙翼詩文中的鎮安府風土民情與「少數民族」治理兼論鎮安府風土民情之今昔 book/chapter 說明頁(620)
2014.06 Religious Revival among the Zhuang People in China: Practicing "Superstition" and Standardizing a Zhuang Religion article pdf(1203)
2014-04 過海:中國廣西靖西壯族末婆(mehmoed)的儀式吟唱與宇宙觀 article pdf(407)
2013-02 Chief, God, or National Hero? Representing Nong Zhigao in Chinese Ethnic Minority Society book/chapter pdf(993)