
Showing 1-12 of 12
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2019-08 De/Re-construction of Zhuang Shamanic Songs in Cultural Festivals 期刊論文 pdf(259)
2018-10 越南儂智高(Nùng Trí Cao)研究動態(地方篇) article pdf(320)
2018-04 越南儂智高(Nùng Trí Cao)研究動態(歷史篇) article
2017-06 中國非物質文化遺產政策下 廣西壯族「末倫」(moedlaenz) 舞臺化展演的探討與反思 article pdf(489)
2016-12 末婆、嬤嬤、娘娘與我:反思壯族儀式研究的田野經驗與知識⽣產 article pdf(449)
2015-06 從廣西西南三縣農曆七月壯族燒衣(pyau ei)儀式論壯族本土宗教儀式專家的傳承 article pdf(828)
2014.06 Religious Revival among the Zhuang People in China: Practicing "Superstition" and Standardizing a Zhuang Religion article pdf(1185)
2014-04 過海:中國廣西靖西壯族末婆(mehmoed)的儀式吟唱與宇宙觀 article pdf(406)
2011 Crossing the Seas: Tai Shamanic Song and its Cosmology article 說明頁(1870)
2011 Diversification of Flower-rituals among the Zhuang People article pdf(762)
2010 評Shamans of the Foye Tree: Gender, Power, and Healing among Chilean Mapuche by Ana Mariella Bacigulupo article pdf(810)
2010 評 Ana Mariella Bacigulupo, Shamans of the Foye Tree: Gender, Power, and Healing among Chilean Mapuche article pdf(386)
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