Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 40
Date Title Type Full Text
2025-06 “Nature is a Haunted House -”: Emily Dickinson’s Environmental Gothicism article web page(49)
2024-12 San Francisco Chinatown as a Romantic Gateway: Transpacific (Dis)continuity in Bret Harte’s “Wan Lee, the Pagan” book/chapter web page(38)
2024-12 危機與批判:細讀、機器學習與大學知識生產之反思 book/chapter web page(44)
2024-12 蠶女故事:生態鬼魅與絲路物質文化下的人類世寓言 book/chapter web page(44)
2024-12 The Silkworm Girl, Sericultural EcoGothic, and the Anthropocene article web page(26)
2024-08 「張開我的細微雙手/聚集天堂樂園」:蘇格蘭與安赫斯特的山水詩夢——兼回應田宇宏文 other pdf(2)
2024-04 “My head like a mushroom below”: Chen Kehua’s Vegetal Gothic and the Anthropocene book/chapter web page(187)web page(276)
2024-03 “Because the bees buzz underground, /we have earthquakes”: Chen Li’s The Edge of the Island at the Brink of the Anthropocene Ruin article web page(183)
2023-12 38期前言 article web page(146)
2023-11 “I’ve always thought that we are living on the cowhide”: Chen Li’s Edge as Method and Border-Queering in The Edge of the Island book/chapter web page(235)
2023-09 Settler Colonialism and Harte’s Frontier EcoGothic in “Three Vagabonds of Trinidad” article web page(155)
2023-09 蠶女故事中的生態鬼魅與絲路物質文化下的人類世寓言 article web page(221)
2023-06 Introduction: Why Do We Need Asian Gothic? article pdf(202)
2022-12 本月好書:新書介紹《邁向地球歷史詩學》 other web page(260)
2022-09 探索亞洲的生態誌異想像--SARE第59期專輯介紹 other web page(271)
2022-07 Introduction: Syaman Rapongan’s Littoral Gothic and EcoGothic Asia article web page(185)
2022-06 Mechanical Precision and the Cosmic Sublime in Thomas De Quincey’s Writing article web page(240)
2022-05 「物質」與「植物」詭譎的生態志異對話 other web page(266)
2022-03 My"Byron`s foot": Chou Meng-tieh`s Buddhist-Romantic Quest in Country of Solitude article pdf(685)
2022-03 Tecidos asiáticos, taoismo e a “pequena utopia” de Emily Dickinson (Asian Textiles, Daosim, and Emily Dickinson’s “Small Utopia”) article web page(285)
2021-11 Ecogothic Chinatown book/chapter web page(461)
2021-05 The `Phantasmatic` Chinatown in Helen Hunt Jackson`s `The Chinese Empire` and Mark Twain`s Roughing It book/chapter pdf(208)
2021-04 To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee : Dickinson`s Manufacturing of the Wild West article web page(366)
2021 The ‘Phantasmatic’ Chinatown in Helen Hunt Jackson’s ‘The Chinese Empire’ and Mark Twain’s Roughing It book/chapter pdf(232)
2020-12 Ecogothic Chinatown book/chapter