
Showing 1-23 of 23
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2024-03 “Because the bees buzz underground, /we have earthquakes”: Chen Li’s The Edge of the Island at the Brink of the Anthropocene Ruin article 說明頁(53)
2023-12 38期前言 article 說明頁(39)
2023-09 Settler Colonialism and Harte’s Frontier EcoGothic in “Three Vagabonds of Trinidad” article 說明頁(49)
2023-09 蠶女故事中的生態鬼魅與絲路物質文化下的人類世寓言 article 說明頁(74)
2023-06 Introduction: Why Do We Need Asian Gothic? article pdf(148)
2022-07 Introduction: Syaman Rapongan’s Littoral Gothic and EcoGothic Asia article 說明頁(122)
2022-06 Mechanical Precision and the Cosmic Sublime in Thomas De Quincey’s Writing article 說明頁(152)
2022-03 My"Byron`s foot": Chou Meng-tieh`s Buddhist-Romantic Quest in Country of Solitude article pdf(547)
2022-03 Tecidos asiáticos, taoismo e a “pequena utopia” de Emily Dickinson (Asian Textiles, Daosim, and Emily Dickinson’s “Small Utopia”) article 說明頁(157)
2021-04 To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee : Dickinson`s Manufacturing of the Wild West article 說明頁(272)
2020.11 Introduction to the Emily Dickinson Journal Special Issue on International Dickinson: Scholarship in English Translation article 說明頁(212)
2020-11 Editorial Introduction: Testing our Horizons article pdf(176)
2020-11 Voices outside the US (editorial note) article 說明頁(175)
2020-10 Keats, Higginson, and Snakes: Yang Mu’s Transcultural "Courtship article pdf(245)
2019-12 Foreword for A Special Issue on “Sir Walter Scott: His Worlds and Legacies” article 說明頁(135)
2018-07 The Romance of Transportation in Wordsworth, Emerson, De Quincey, and Dickinson article 說明頁(461)
2018-06 Foreword for A Special Issue on “Transatlantic Literary and Cultural Relations, 1776 to the Present” article 說明頁(106)
2016-11 `The light that never was on sea or land`: William Wordsworth in America and Emily Dickinson`s `Frostier` Style` article 說明頁(685)
2015-01 “As Trade Had Suddenly Encroached”: Emily Dickinson, William Wordsworth and China article pdf(786)
2014-04 Thomas De Quincey``s ``Serpentine`` Writing and Emily Dickinson``s Reptiles article pdf(219)
2013.11 Emily Dickinson`s Asian Consumption article 說明頁(1167)
2013.10 In many and reportless places`: Place Identity and Emily Dickinson`s America article 說明頁(1101)
2012.04 Sacred/Sacrilegious Tourism in Emily Dickinson’s Poems article 說明頁(1283)
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