Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 31
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-09 Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Election and Its Impacts on Regional and Global Power Structure conference pdf(54)
2024-04 Relational Inequality: Why the Vietnamese-Sino Relations is Kinship but not Friendship conference pdf(0)
2024-04 Showing Gratitude as Relationality: Periphery States’ Responses toward China’s Vaccine Diplomacy conference pdf(0)
2023-10 比較疫情後歐洲與東南亞區域各國對於中美關係與國際情勢之回應 conference
2023-06 Relational Inequality: Why the Vietnamese-Sino Relations is Kinship but not Friendship conference pdf(3)
2022-10 從關係平衡理論分析習近平主政下的中國式多邊主義 book/chapter web page(254)
2022-06 The Strategic Options of Middle Powers in the Asia-Pacific book web page(305)
2022-05 Dancing Between Beijing and Taipei: Vietnam in the Shadow of the Belt and Road Initiative article web page(285)
2022-05 Chinese Relationality and The Design of Diplomatic Initiatives conference web page(239)
2021-04 Emotions and Relations: the Group Resentment in Vietnam and Mongolia`s China Policy conference web page(354)
2020-12 小國外交-蒙古對中政策評析 article pdf(301)
2020-06 從周邊反彈中國:越南的反中情緒、論述與宣傳 article pdf(331)
2019-11 Competing for a Better Role Relation: International Relations, Sino-US Rivalry and Game of Weiqi article pdf(365)
2019-08 China and International Theory: the Balance of Relationships book pdf(629)
2019-06 Becoming Sinologists in Vietnam: The Influences of Systematic Training and Cultural Heritage book
2019-03 Vietnam’s Relationship with Taiwan under the Shadow of China’s Belt conference
2018-02 歷史後見之明中的新結構:以越南為中心的中越關係分析,1975-1991 book/chapter web page(547)
2018-02 歷史後見之明中的新敘事: 從越南視角出發的中越關係分析,1975-1991 book web page(549)
2017-12 Embedded Relationality and Role : History and Hierarchy in Vietnam’s China Policy article pdf(387)
2017-03 「功能取向」對「關係導向」:比較小布希與歐巴馬政府的馬來西亞政策 article pdf(439)
2016-01 The Identity and International Role of China: Relational Grand Strategy book/chapter web page(983)
2015-12 關係平衡vs.普世改造:中美國際干預風格與大戰略思維之比較 article web page(824)
2015-03 Balance of relationship: the essence of Myanmar`s China policy article pdf(434)
2015-01 Balance of Relationship: the essence of Myanmar`s China policy article pdf(1128)
2014-10 China’s Quest for Grand Strategy: Power, National Interest, or Relational Security? article web page(1447)