Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 56
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-05 The Colonized in conflict: Taiwanese military interpreters and the postwar British war crime trials book/chapter web page(223)
2022-12 思鄉懷國:海外臺灣人運動文獻選輯 book web page(114)
2022-12 海外台灣人刊物中的歷史記憶 book/chapter web page(131)
2022-11 米援、台湾のジャーナリズム教育、そして中国系ジャーナリストのトランスナショナル・ネットワーク book/chapter web page(97)
2021-12 Taiwanese Civilians and WWII Australia conference web page(187)
2021-09 「歷史記憶與概念傳播」專題引言 article web page(232)
2021-08 Propaganda Warriors and Ideological Enemies: Examining a US-ROC Journalism Education Project during the Cold War conference web page(175)
2021-06 Experience in prison camps by Taiwanese prisoner-of-war monitors and interpreters during World War II article
2021-04 [導讀] 願不再有人被遺忘:「多元」而「包容」的戰爭記憶 book/chapter web page(243)
2021-01 導讀 book/chapter web page(190)
2020-12 穿梭在帝國之間的台灣人,1895-1950:以英國與荷蘭的亞洲殖民地為主要考察對象 report web page(72)
2020-10 他者眼中的臺灣選舉:以新加坡的華文報紙為焦點 conference web page(337)
2020-08 U.S. Aid, Chinese Overseas Students in Taiwan, and a Transnational Network of Chinese Media: A Cold War Legacy conference
2020-03 Recognition as Reconciliation: Oral History and the Taiwanese-native Japanese Soldiers in Postwar Taiwan conference
2020-01 How the Cold War Shaped ‘China’: U.S. Aid, Chinese Overseas Students in Taiwan, and Overseas Chinese Media conference
2019-09 口譯之「罪」:成爲戰犯的臺灣人二戰通譯 book/chapter web page(563)
2019-09 Commemorating the Second World War and the Bereaved Families in Taiwan conference web page(219)
2019-05 冷戰、美援、與1949年以來臺灣的高等教育:以政治大學爲焦點 conference web page(192)
2019-03 移民、語言、戰爭:二戰中的臺灣人通譯 conference web page(142)
2019-01 Trapped between Imperial Ruins: Internment and Repatriation of the Taiwanese in Postwar Asia-Pacific 專書篇章 web page(401)
2018-12 集中營作爲一種城市:二戰中被强制拘留的海外臺灣人經驗 conference web page(160)
2018-09 Taiwanese Interpreters as War Criminals in the British Trials after WWII conference web page(155)
2018-06 A Network that Created the Public: journals and newspapers by native Taiwanese during the Japanese colonial period, 1920-1937 conference web page(211)
2017-12 評〈戰爭與台灣的高等教育,1945-1990〉 article web page(291)
2017-12 日治時期在東南亞的臺灣人人際網絡—以在香港的臺灣士紳階級爲中心 conference web page(138)