2024-07 |
Examining the Changes in the Housing Market Before and After Municipal Elections: A Case Study of Taiwan |
conference |
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2024-07 |
售屋網頁用詞對行銷效果有助益嗎? |
conference |
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2023-12 |
央行之地區性選擇性信用管制是否能有效抑制房價? |
conference |
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2023-12 |
政策不確定性對台北市房市之影響 |
conference |
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2023-12 |
恐慌購買與缺稀:新冠肺炎期間房市之研究 |
conference |
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2023-11 |
Does High-end Housing Always Have a Premium Luxury Value? A Theoretical and Numerical Study |
article |
web page(91) |
2023-06 |
社群媒體情緒與房市交易資訊關係之檢視 |
article |
web page(172) |
2022-12 |
建構台灣房價風險值量化評估模型 |
article |
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2022-10 |
Willingness to Purchase a House during Economic Lost Decades in Japanese Urban Housing Market |
article |
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2022-10 |
房市參與者之關注會影響房價嗎? |
article |
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2022-03 |
美河市聯開案公私權益分配之爭議 |
個案 |
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2022-01 |
「新冠肺炎疫情與房市發展」引言 |
conference |
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2022-01 |
總體經驗對家戶房市偏好影響的驗證 |
conference |
web page(158) |
2021-09 |
Experience of the Lost Decades and the Urban Housing Market: A Case Study from Japan |
conference |
web page(250) |
2021-07 |
Experience of the Lost Decades and the Urban Housing Market: A Case Study from Japan |
conference |
pdf(69) |
2021-06 |
建構台灣房價風險值量化評估模型 |
report |
pdf(264) |
2021.02 |
遠雄大巨蛋BOT爭議及促參永續推動:當公共利益遇上商業利益 |
個案 |
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2020-12 |
情緒會影響房市嗎?指數編制與驗證 |
article |
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2020-12 |
房市參與者之關注會影響房價嗎? |
conference |
web page(191) |
2020-12 |
Pricing of Presale Contracts with Macroeconomic Factors and Stochastic Basis Risk |
article |
web page(259) |
2020-09 |
媒體傳播效應與房市變化關聯性之驗證 |
article |
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2020-03 |
媒體傳播效應與房市變化關聯性之驗證 |
article |
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2019-12 |
人口老化對房市影響的門檻效果:儲蓄機制在日本的角色 |
conference |
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2018-12 |
從行為經濟學看台灣不動產市場:羅伯特席勒教授來台演講之省思與啟示 |
article |
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2018-12 |
Asymmetry Herding Behavior of REITs Evidence from Information Demand |
article |
web page(899) |