
Showing 1-25 of 68
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-11 Does High-end Housing Always Have a Premium Luxury Value? A Theoretical and Numerical Study article 說明頁(20)
2023-06 社群媒體情緒與房市交易資訊關係之檢視 article 說明頁(82)
2022-12 建構台灣房價風險值量化評估模型 article 說明頁(167)
2022-10 Willingness to Purchase a House during Economic Lost Decades in Japanese Urban Housing Market article 說明頁(137)
2022-10 房市參與者之關注會影響房價嗎? article 說明頁(193)
2020-12 情緒會影響房市嗎?指數編制與驗證 article pdf(228)
2020-12 Pricing of Presale Contracts with Macroeconomic Factors and Stochastic Basis Risk article 說明頁(155)
2020-09 媒體傳播效應與房市變化關聯性之驗證 article pdf(208)
2020-03 媒體傳播效應與房市變化關聯性之驗證 article pdf(209)
2018-12 從行為經濟學看台灣不動產市場:羅伯特席勒教授來台演講之省思與啟示 article pdf(290)
2018-12 Asymmetry Herding Behavior of REITs Evidence from Information Demand article 說明頁(825)
2017-09 What forces drive the dynamic interaction between regional housing prices? article 說明頁(694)
2017 Housing Bubble Contagion from City Centre to Suburbs article pdf(655)
2015-11 台灣不動產與其他資產關聯結構分析 article 說明頁(643)說明頁(694)
2015-06 台灣上市(櫃)公司不動產持有程度與財務績效關聯性之研究 article pdf(639)
2015-03 Time-Varying Betas of US REITs from 1972 to 2013 article pdf(879)
2014-06 The relationship with REITs and bank loans: Capital structure perspectives article pdf(981)
2014-01 A Time-varying Perspective on the CAPM and Downside Betas article pdf(899)
2014 The Structure of REIT-Beta article pdf(1309)
2013 The Role of Market Imperfections in the Relationship between Housing Prices and Household Credit: Evidence from Taiwan article pdf(902)
2013 抑制房價以提高生育率:以台北都會區為例 article pdf(807)
2013 房價之不對稱均衡調整:門檻誤差修正模型應用 article pdf(780)
2013 Asymmetric Correlation and Difference between the Volatility of Housing and Stock Price Indexes: Analysis Based on the Threshold Volatility and Cointegration Model article 說明頁(1138)
2013 Wealth effects on the housing markets: Do market liquidity and market states matter? article pdf(995)
2012-09 The Valuation of Mortgage Insurance Contracts under Housing Price Cycles: Evidence from Housing Price Index article 說明頁(1198)pdf(730)