
Showing 1-11 of 11
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-09 Miasma in the House of Memory: Idealism, Contagion, and the Making of the Gothic Self article 說明頁(226)
2021-03 The American Art of Memory: Idealism and the Romantic Constitution of Cognitive Interiority. article 說明頁(211)
2019-07 Murder in the House of Memory: Faulkner’s Plantation Prototype and the Elite Planter in Flags in the Dust article 說明頁(329)
2018-09 Mask in the Museum: The Impossible Gaze and the Indian Artifact in Verbinski`s The Lone Ranger article 說明頁(295)
2017-01 Sourceless Sunlight: Faulkner’s Sanctuary and the Sacrificial Crisis article
2016-07 Encoding Yoknapatawpha: Considering Faulkner in the Information Age article 說明頁(375)
2015-12 Codas of Creation: Emanation Mysticism and Alchemical Regeneration in Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life article pdf(786)
2015-06 Encoding Yoknapatawpha: Faulkner in the Information Age article 說明頁(342)
2012-03 Disrupting Flow: Seinfeld, Sopranos Series Finale and the Aesthetic of Anxiety article pdf(1020)
2011-04 Visions of Power and Dispossession: Emerson, Whitman and the ‘Robust Soul’ article pdf(1003)
2010-07 The Metempsychotic Mind: Emerson and Consciousness article pdf(971)
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