
Showing 1-25 of 26
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-11 Credibility and Agility of Antitrust Enforcement: A Cross-Country Analysis of Big Tech conference pdf(23)
2023-11 演算法與生成式人工智慧所帶來的競爭法議題 conference
2023-10 AI時代的通傳產業競爭議題──以傳播產業為中心 conference 說明頁(20)
2022-12 如何看待New Brandeis School─兼評公平會數位經濟白皮書初稿 conference pdf(32)
2022-12 競爭法制的數位因應與公平交易法修正芻議 conference pdf(2)
2022-09 從競爭法國際合作看CPTPP與公平交易 conference pdf(17)
2022-06 Hidden Non-Digital Moves in Taiwan FTC’s Digital Economy White Paper conference
2021-12 大型數位平台守門人地位管制規範之正當性基礎初探 conference pdf(155)
2021-03 有線電視頻道代理業者對新進系統業者收取高額授權金案件評析:依托於形式上差別對待的封阻性授權金管制 conference
2021-01 關鍵字廣告、不公平競爭與商標侵害:行為與結果不法、正常競爭方式、案例類型討論 conference 說明頁(176)
2019-06 Let it Grow or Divest? In Search of Competition Policies for Digital Platforms conference 說明頁(220)
2019-04 專利間接侵權:我國如何適用現行法與增修新法 conference
2019-01 我國聯合行為合意認定理論與實務之交互反省─從液化石油氣訴訟案件的啟示出發 conference
2018-12 Market Definition of Digital Platforms: Response to the Impact of Two-Sided Platforms and Zero-Pricing conference pdf(387)
2018-12 Market Definition of Digital Platforms: Response to the Impact of Two-sided Platforms and Zero Pricing conference pdf(199)
2018-11 美國法上維持轉售價格近十年來發展現況:各州分歧與理論進展 conference pdf(387)
2018-06 標準必要專利之競爭法規範與高通授權架構之違法性 conference 說明頁(263)
2018 智慧財產法與公平交易法之交錯──以標準必要專利權之行使為核心 conference 說明頁(195)
2017-12 公平會處分高通案:一個被誤解的重要行政決定 conference
2017-03 Regulating the Enforcement of Standard-Essential Patents: Perspectives from Taiwan conference
2017-02 Hotspot Issues of Regulation on Enforcement of Standard-Essential Patent conference
2017-01 The Problematics of Prior Approval System on Horizontal Agreement in Taiwan: Towards an Ex Post Regulation conference pdf(378)
2015-04 Mental Element of Patent Infringement Compensation in Taiwan: Comparative Implications from Empirical Study of Judicial Decisions conference pdf(293)
2014-01 從Myriad和Mayo案看美國生技專利標的適格之新發展 conference
2013-08 Stalled Development Agenda of International Intellectual Property and Alternative Strategies for Developing Countries conference pdf(304)