Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 29
Date Title Type Full Text
2022-11 Ideological Congruence, Perceived Accountability, and Satisfaction with Democracy: Case Studies of Australia and New Zealand article web page(217)
2022-01 Diplomatie de la défense : la lutte pour le cœur du Pacifique article web page(237)
2021-09 Balancing, bandwagoning or hedging: Taiwan’s strategic choices in the era of a rising China article web page(175)
2021.03 The Philippines` Institutionalised Alliance with the US: Surviving Duterte`s China Appeasement Policy article pdf(233)
2021-02 India, Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific: Economic–Security Strategic Partnership and Expected Utility Theory article pdf(308)
2020-12 Solving the Collection Action Problem: Taiwan, New Zealand and the COVID-19 Battle article pdf(250)
2020-12 Was 2016 a Realigning Election in Taiwan? article pdf(168)
2020-12 Safety in Numbers: Taiwan in a Post-Trump World article web page(246)
2020-11 Prospects of an India-Taiwan Strategic Partnership: Economics, Security, and Expected Utility Theory conference pdf(160)
2020-04 The political economy of Taiwan’s regional relations article pdf(289)
2020-01 Party Polarisation in New Zealand and Taiwan: An Exploratory Study conference pdf(191)
2019-09 Partisan Polarization and Fragmentation in the Taiwanese Electorate: Evidence from the 2020 Elections conference pdf(222)
2019-06 The New Southbound Policy book web page(342)
2019-05 An analysis of the 2014 New Zealand general election: do Internet use and online party mobilisation matter? article web page(414)
2019-04 Issues Impacts and Vote choice in Taiwan Elections, 2004-2016. conference
2019-01 Political Polarization in Taiwan and the United States: A Research Puzzle conference pdf(235)
2019-01 Was the 2016 Election a Realigning One? conference web page(546)
2018-09 Confronting the Costs of its Past Success: Revisiting Taiwan’s Post-authoritarian Political and Economic Development article pdf(395)
2018-04 Canary in the mine?: Taiwan, New Southbound Policy, and Regional Relations. conference
2018 Manifestos and the “two faces” of parties: Addressing both members and voters with one document article pdf(294)
2017-11 Politicized to Mobilize? A Longitudinal Study of First-Time Voters’ Voting Intentions in Taiwan, 2004-2016 article pdf(231)
2017-11 Ending Taiwan’s Economic Stagnation: The Implications of the Elections of Presidents Tsai and Trump conference
2017-09 The Impact of Issues on the 2016 Presidential Election in Taiwan conference web page(470)
2017-06 The Spiral of Deinstitutionalization Untangled: An Observation about the Field Opinion within Kuomintang against Public Opinion during the 2016 Presidential Election Campaign article pdf(249)
2017-06 Democratic Belief, Cognitive Mobilization and Political Participation in Taiwan. conference