
Showing 1-22 of 22
日期 題名 類型 全文
2023-05 房價實坪制後公設價格不同計價方式之實證研究 article 說明頁(166)
2022-12 Effect of COVID-19 lockdowns on city-center and suburban housing markets: Evidence from Hangzhou, China article 說明頁(186)
2022-10 A politically less contested and financially more calculable urban future: Density techniques and heightened land commodification in Taiwan article 說明頁(151)
2022-09 租屋市場之租金與住宅品質知多少 ? article 說明頁(275)
2022-09 社會住宅包租代管計畫租金檢核方式之研究 article 說明頁(210)
2019-12 預售屋大量估價模型之建立 article 說明頁(48)
2019-03 Where does floating TDR land? An analysis of location attributes in real estate development in Taiwan article pdf(330)
2019-03 House Price Dispersion in Taipei Residential Communities article pdf(312)
2017-10 Commodification of Development Rights and What It Does to the Urban Housing Market in Taiwan article pdf(601)
2017-10 台北市公共自行車場站對鄰近住宅價格之影響 article pdf(1247)
2017-04 The Tenure Choice Behavior of MRT Joint Development Housing in Taipei article pdf(685)
2017-03 臺北市公共住宅對周圍住宅價格之影響 article pdf(967)
2017-03 Policy Analysis of the Taipei Old Building Inspection Plan article pdf(436)
2015-09 The non-linearity of hospitals’proximity on property prices: experiences from Taipei, Taiwan article 說明頁(832)
2014-11 The nonlinear effect of convenience stores on residential property prices: A case study of Taipei,Taiwan article pdf(1034)
2010-07 不動產證券化信託資產價值評估之研究-資訊揭露內涵與時效性 article 說明頁(949)
2009-09 分量迴歸在大量估價模型之應用—非典型住宅估價之改進 article pdf(1095)
2009-09 Quantile Regression Analysis of Residential Mass Appraisal Models-Improvement in Atypical Housing Appraisal article 說明頁(673)
2009-06 不動產自動估價與估價師個別估價之比較—以比較法之案例選取、權重調整與估值三階段差異分析 article pdf(1110)
2007-12 客觀標準化不動產估價之可行性分析─市場比較法應用於大量估價 article
2004-04 他山之石,可否攻錯?--從美國不動產證券化經驗探討國內相關課題 article pdf(1394)
1993-02 不動產估價人員系統行為偏誤檢驗-以市場比較法為例 article 說明頁(1331)
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