Publications- All

Showing 1-24 of 24
Date Title Type Full Text
2015-06 劉墉改編古代笑話評析 article web page(729)
2009-09 解頤編:中國古代笑話專題研究 book web page(429)
2008-07 論笑話與小說之關係 conference
2006-08 論孔門聖賢笑話 conference
2004 晚明笑話書《絕纓三笑》中之性別與情色意識 book/chapter web page(618)
2003 晚明笑話書《絕纓三笑》中之性別與情色意識 book/chapter web page(586)
2002-12 明代笑話書《山中一夕話》中的韻文初探 conference
2002-08 The Studies of Traditional Jokes and Humor in the 20th Century China conference
2001-06 The Study of Jokes on the Four Books in Early Modern China conference
2001 四書笑話與科舉文化及社會政治之互動關係研究 report pdf(2252)
2000-11 Body Images of Women in the Late Ming Jest-books conference
2000-10 Female Sexuality of the Late Ming Jest-books conference
2000 中國傳統幽默文學研究(歷代笑話書匯編與資料庫建檔)(II) report pdf(3096)
2000 《絕纓三笑》研究 report pdf(1790)
2000 晚明笑話書《絕纓三笑》中之性別與情色意識 conference
1999-03 The Lexicological and Cultural Features of Late Ming Folk Songs conference
1998-03 由諧擬論四書笑與紅樓夢之諧趣 conference
1998-02 論《李卓吾評點四書笑》之諧擬性質 article pdf(1091)
1996-07 馮夢龍《笑府》研究 article pdf(2140)
1996 馮夢龍《笑府》研究 conference
1995-10 言談與論述--以歐陽脩與蘇軾的亭台記為例試論古典散文的藝術情境 conference
1995 存在與敘事藝術的本體關係--以《紅樓夢》為例 article
1992 The Thematics of Form in The Dream of the Red Chamber: Satires on Readers and Their Entrapments conference
1975 殷代田獵研究 thesis web page(473)
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