Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 42
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-02 Retrieving almost stochastic Dominance momentum in Taiwan stock market article web page(150)
2022-08 基於集成學習框架之信用違約預測-以信用卡客戶為例 article pdf(361)
2021-09 Predictive Ability of Similarity-based Futures Trading Strategies article pdf(273)
2021-08 媒體情緒於企業違約預警:基於公開資訊語意分析 article pdf(320)
2021-03 Relevance of the Disposition Effect on the Options Market: New Evidence article pdf(345)
2019-09 漫步於隨機森林: 輔以多數決學習的台股指數期貨交易策略 article pdf(524)
2019-03 公司治理與獨特性風險異象 article pdf(361)
2019-01 Are Investors Always Compensated for Information Risk? Evidence from Chinese Reverse-Merger Firms article pdf(634)
2018-12 Pricing the Deflation Protection Option in TIPS using a HJM Model with Inflation- and Interest-Rate Jumps article pdf(435)
2018-09 A Liquidity-based Betting-against-beta Strategy article pdf(585)
2018-09 Analytical Approximations for American Options: The Binary Power Option Approach article pdf(402)
2015-01 集中度風險於結構式商品的量化與分析:以房屋抵押貸款證券為例 article pdf(377)
2014.09 Pricing Currency Options under Double Exponential Jump Diffusion in a Markov-Modulated HJM Economy article pdf(1214)
2014.09 重隨機假設下動態違約相關性之描述及其資訊內涵:以指數型信用擔保債權憑證為例 article pdf(901)
2014-09 On the characterization and information contents of dynamic default correlation under the doubly stochastic assumption: the case of iTraxx CDO tranches article pdf(826)
2014 流動性風險下信用違約傳染模型之建構及實證研究 report pdf(755)
2013.10 Valuation of quanto options in a Markovian regime-switching market: A Markov-modulated Gaussian HJM model article pdf(1421)
2013 模型不確定性下信用投資組合之風險度量、控管、及其避險成效分析 report web page(892)pdf(650)
2012.12 The Pricing, Credit Risk Decomposition and Hedging Analysis of CPDOs under the Levy Jump-Diffusion Model article pdf(1127)
2012-12 跳躍擴散模型下固定比例債務債券之評價、風險構面與其避險機制 article pdf(1044)
2012-06 Estimation Risk and Optimal Portfolio Construction in a Lognormal Market article web page(1677)web page(1723)
2012 固定比例擔保債務憑證之研究 report pdf(608)
2011 固定比例擔保債務憑證之研究 report pdf(663)
2010 重隨機假設下之動態違約相關性描述 report pdf(568)
2009.12 The Distributions of Policy Reserves Considering the Policy-Year Structures of Surrender Rates and Expense Ratios article pdf(1216)