2016-09 |
「歐洲安全」研究的理論基礎:區域安全、國際關係、全球體系 |
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2016-06 |
里斯本條約架構下的歐盟安全政策合作之嘗試 |
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2013-01 |
The prospects for cross-Taiwan Strait confidence building measures: Opportunities and challenges |
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web page(1029) |
2007.10 |
歐盟『柔性強權』身份認同的建構與批判 |
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2007-10 |
歐盟「柔性強權」身份認同的建構與批判 |
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2007.06 |
歐盟與美國的權力關係:『柔性平衡』的適用性 |
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2007-03 |
失色的「顏色革命」? |
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2006.09 |
歐洲安全與防衛政策的軍事層面:歐盟的全球戰略地位 |
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2006-09 |
歐洲安全與防衛政策的軍事層面:歐盟的全球戰略地位 |
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2004-12 |
East Asia in a Unipolar International Order and Europe`s Role in the region |
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2004-03 |
北愛爾蘭和平進程 :政府間因素與國際勢力的介入 |
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2003-10 |
冷戰結束後的北約與國際關係理論 |
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2003-08 |
北約東擴--軍事聯盟的變遷與政治意涵 |
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2000-10 |
The Irreconcilable Chinese Rival Regimes and the Weakening of the Neutrality Policies of the Great Powers |
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2000-10 |
The Irreconcilable Chinese Rival Regimes and the Weakening of the Neutrality Policies of the Great Powers |
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1999-11 |
The Position of Hong Kong in Britain`s Policy towards the Two Rival Chinese Regimes during the Early Years of the Cold War |
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1995-08 |
英國工黨與布萊爾改革[Tory Blair]的影響 |
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1993-09 |
一九九二年歐洲單一市場之評估 |
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1992-11 |
英國與歐洲統合 |
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