
Showing 1-25 of 43
Date Title Type Full Text
2022-01 Strategic implications of Recent US-Taiwan Economic Talks book/chapter pdf(183)
2017-11 國際油價崩跌對沙烏地阿拉伯政治經濟衝擊 book/chapter 說明頁(336)
2016-11 Strategic Implications of Regional Economic Integration Processes: Observing through the Lens of TPP book
2014-10 亞太安全秩序的區域多邊途徑 : 衝突預防概念與實踐 book/chapter 說明頁(1103)pdf(620)
2014-10 南海安全治理機制之發展與挑戰 book/chapter 說明頁(975)
2014-10 ASEAN and Recent Tensions in the South China Sea book/chapter pdf(509)
2014-10 亞太安全秩序的區域多邊途徑:衝突預防概念與實踐 book/chapter 說明頁(771)
2014-01 美國「重返亞洲」後的南海情勢:對爭端管理途徑之意涵 book/chapter 說明頁(568)
2014 美國重返亞洲後的東亞政治.經濟與安全之轉變 book/chapter 說明頁(534)
2013 The Compatibility of East Asia and Asia Pacific Multilateralism: Japan’s Strategic Rationales book/chapter pdf(466)
2012.12 東南亞區域整合之基調、特色與挑戰 book/chapter 說明頁(1152)pdf(670)
2012.12 東協對南海情勢的回應與影響 book/chapter 說明頁(933)
2012 Taiwan`s economic security: Confronting the dual trends of globalization and governance book/chapter 說明頁(1124)
2010.12 日本與東亞區域秩序之建構 book/chapter 說明頁(1009)
2010.12 Conflict Prevention in Northeast Asia: Suggesting an Analytical Framework and Learning from Southeast Asia book/chapter 說明頁(1358)
2010.08 Taiwan’s Participation in Asia Pacific Regional Process: Searching for an Agenda of Cross-Strait Consultations book/chapter pdf(1051)
2009.12 兩岸亞太區域組織參與談判 book/chapter 說明頁(1113)
2009.12 「東協加N」FTA 的政治、安全效益 book/chapter 說明頁(1084)
2009.06 東亞經濟安全議題之演進 book/chapter 說明頁(910)
2008-01 India in East Asia Geo-economics book/chapter 說明頁(999)
2007.10 衝突預防概念在亞太多邊二軌外交中的實踐:兩岸在CSCAP的參與 book/chapter 說明頁(1220)
2007.09 石油與國際安全:供需結構趨動的安全議題 book/chapter 說明頁(862)
2006-12 Presidential Elections in Taiwan: Democratization, Governance, and Security book/chapter 說明頁(868)
2006 Taiwan’s Economic Security in dual Trends of Globalization and Governance book/chapter 說明頁(1250)
2005 因應多邊面向區域挑戰的APEC制度發展:組織變革與行為模式 book/chapter 說明頁(1226)