
Showing 1-25 of 203
日期 題名 類型 全文
2024-09 Fighting Will: Are Taiwanese Citizens willing to Resist China’s Coercion? conference 說明頁(42)
2024-07 「民眾對當前兩岸關係之看法」民意調查 (2024-07-26~2024-07-30) report 說明頁(30)
2024-05 Decoding Campaigning Strategies: A Machine Learning Approach to Understanding the Impact of Election Systems on Legislative Candidates conference pdf(93)
2024-05 To Vote or not to Vote? An Analysis of the Voting Intention of Young People in Taiwan conference pdf(97)
2024-01 Strategic Clarity and Taiwanese Citizens’ Confidence in the US Security Commitment article 說明頁(220)
2023-10 「民眾對當前兩岸關係之看法」民意調查 (2023-10-19~2023-10-23) report 說明頁(155)
2023-09 民意調查的執行 book/chapter 說明頁(165)
2023-09 調查研究倫理 book/chapter 說明頁(163)
2023-09 China Threat and Taiwanese Citizens’ Preferences on Unification and Independence Issue conference 說明頁(161)
2023-08 Threat Perception and Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential Election book/chapter 說明頁(251)
2023-07 「民眾對當前兩岸關係之看法」民意調查 (2023.06.28-2023.07.03) report 說明頁(222)
2023-07 宜蘭民眾對流浪狗問題看法之研究 report
2023-07 威脅下的台灣認同新發展及其效應 report 說明頁(132)
2022-11 解析台灣人/中國人認同:2000-2021年 article 說明頁(320)
2022-11 Strategic Clarity and Taiwan Citizens’ Confidence in U.S. Security Commitment conference 說明頁(327)
2022-09 China Threats and Taiwan Citizens’ Support for the 1992 Consensus conference pdf(210)
2022-08 「台灣民眾對動物經濟利用態度」民意調查報告書 report pdf(253)
2022-08 台灣認同的新發展及其效應 report 說明頁(135)
2022-05 Indigenous Women Candidates and Their Campaigns in the Local Council Elections conference pdf(189)
2022-03 「民眾對當前兩岸關係之看法」民意調查 report 說明頁(420)
2021-10 威脅下的台灣認同與2020年總統選舉 book/chapter 說明頁(394)
2021-10 The China Factor and Taiwan`s 2020 Presidential Election conference 說明頁(340)
2021-10 Threat Perception and Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential Election conference 說明頁(440)
2021-06 COVID-19 and the Anatomy of the Rally Effect in Taiwan article pdf(330)
2021-05 Governing Status and Campaign Promises: A Study of the 2016 Taiwanese Legislative Election conference pdf(1)