
Showing 1-25 of 30
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2024-01 Strategic Clarity and Taiwanese Citizens’ Confidence in the US Security Commitment article 說明頁(100)
2022-11 解析台灣人/中國人認同:2000-2021年 article 說明頁(201)
2021-06 COVID-19 and the Anatomy of the Rally Effect in Taiwan article pdf(216)
2020-05 臺灣認同的世代差異與投票抉擇-以2016年總統選舉為例 article pdf(324)
2017-07 Taiwan citizens` views of China: What are the effects of cross-strait contacts? article pdf(480)
2017-05 Taiwan Citizens` Views of China : What Are the Effects of Cross-Strait Contacts? article pdf(199)
2015-11 原住民立法委員選舉單一選區劃分可能性初探 article 說明頁(1247)
2015-07 Presidential Approval in Taiwan:An Analysis of Survey Data in the Ma Ying-jeou Presidency article pdf(776)
2015-06 Presidential Approval in Taiwan:An Analysis of Survey Data in the Ma Ying-jeou Presidency article pdf(687)
2014-12 台灣民眾對左右意識型態的認知:以統獨議題取代左右意識型態檢測台灣的政黨極化 article pdf(914)
2014.03 候選人因素與投票抉擇-以2012年臺灣總統選舉為例 article pdf(1255)
2013.04 2012年總統選舉中的臺灣認同 article 說明頁(2303)
2009-11 族群、認同與總統選舉投票抉擇 article pdf(212)
2009.03 Deep-Green Supporters and Political Tolerance in Taiwan: An Analysis of Kennedy``s Hypothesis article pdf(1412)
2009.03 Deep-Green Supporters and Political Tolerance in Taiwan: An Analysis of Kennedy`s Hypothesis article pdf(536)
2009-03 Deep-Green Supporters and Political Tolerance in Taiwan: An Analysis of Kennedy`s Hypothesis article pdf(490)
2008-09 選舉事件與政治信任:以2004年總統選舉為例 article pdf(956)
2008.02 Examining Strategic Voting in Single-Member Districts: A Case Study of the 2006 Taipei City Mayoral Election article pdf(1350)
2008-02 Examining Strategic Voting in Single-Member Districts: A Case Study of the 2006 Taipei Mayoral Election article pdf(1401)
2007-03 「深綠選民」之探索 article pdf(1666)
2007-02 Voting Behavior and Electoral Engineering in Taiwan article pdf(702)
2006-10 焦點團體研究法在改善調查品質上的應用─以TEDS為例 article
2006-05 Survey Participation in Taiwan: Evidence from the ESC Surveys article pdf(756)
2005-06 2004年總統選舉中的候選人因素 article pdf(3656)
2005-05 焦點團體研究法的理論與應用 article pdf(1082)