
Showing 1-25 of 49
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2024-01 Foreign Policy Orientation without Party Cues: A Case Study of Taiwan article 說明頁(38)
2023-07 Legislative Oversight and Democratic Satisfaction at a Time of Crisis in Taiwan article 說明頁(172)
2023-02 Social Media as Mobilizer and Demobilizer: Evidence From Taiwan article 說明頁(128)
2022-11 Ideological Congruence, Perceived Accountability, and Satisfaction with Democracy: Case Studies of Australia and New Zealand article 說明頁(182)
2022-03 Explaining change in independence–unification views in Taiwan: a within-between model article 說明頁(205)
2022-03 Taking stock of social-political polarization in Asia: Political communication, social media and digital governance article 說明頁(184)
2020-08 Democratic Values, Collective Security, and Privacy: Taiwan People’s Response to COVID-19 article pdf(421)
2019-12 政府治理表現、公民文化與民主滿意度 article pdf(222)
2019-12 Personality traits and political participation in Taiwan: a mediation approach article 說明頁(79)
2019-08 Different Immigrants, Same Attitudes? Making Sense of the Association between Two Immigrant Groups article pdf(269)
2019-05 An analysis of the 2014 New Zealand general election: do Internet use and online party mobilisation matter? article 說明頁(381)
2019-04 Unfolding the Pattern of Contentious Participation in Taiwan article pdf(217)
2019-02 Personality Traits and Individual Attitude toward the Independence–Unification Issue in Taiwan article pdf(241)
2018-05 Electoral Competition, Incumbency, News Coverage, and Prediction Market Price: A Preliminary Study of Campaign Contributions and Spending in Taiwan`s 2016 Legislative Election article pdf(295)
2018-05 Electoral Competition, Incumbency, News Coverage, and Prediction Market Price: A Preliminary Study of Campaign Contributions and Spending in Taiwan`s 2016 Legislative Elections article pdf(283)
2016-09 なぜ政権は交代したか? 2016 年台湾総統‧立法委員選挙の観察 article pdf(229)
2016-09 なぜ政権は交代したか?2016 年台湾総統‧立法委員選挙の観察 article pdf(117)
2016-04 「中國因素」或是「公民不服從」?從連續追蹤樣本探討太陽花學運之民意 article pdf(433)
2016.02 Voting Intention and Choices: Are Voters Always Rational and Deliberative? article pdf(785)
2015-06 Measuring Public Opinion toward Social Welfare in Taiwan article pdf(619)
2014-12 現任縣市長支持之研究:多層次貝氏統計之應用 article pdf(973)
2012.12 選舉課責:以2009年台灣縣市長選舉為例 article pdf(831)
2011-10 社會公平與經濟發展:台灣民眾的政策意向之初探 article pdf(1120)
2011-06 地方政府如何回應民意?以2006-2007年為例 article pdf(862)
2010.12 政黨信任、機構信任與民主滿意度 article pdf(1092)