
Showing 1-25 of 55
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-07 社會經濟地位量表的建構與政治態度:以2008-2020總統大選為例 conference pdf(156)
2023-05 Issue Polarization and Opinion Expression: An Investigation on Nonresponse and Misreporting conference pdf(163)
2022-10 運用列項實驗探討民眾為台灣而戰的意願 conference pdf(93)
2021-10 Pulling Tiger`s Tail: Why Taiwanese Are Balancing China? conference web page(464)
2021-05 Taiwan Citizens' Attitudes toward the Taiwan-US-China Triangle Relation conference web page(498)
2020-12 統獨議題與政黨社會基礎的分析 conference web page(359)
2020-05 The Impact of Concurrent Campaigns on Referendum Voting : The Case of Taiwan in 2018 conference web page(428)
2019-12 公投民主在台灣---民眾態度與行為的檢視 conference web page(399)
2019-01 Parliamentary Politics in the Late Qing and the Early Republic : A Bumpy Ride for Democracy conference
2018-05 Powerful or Limited Presidency? Partisan Impact on Public Opinion toward Presidential Power in Taiwan conference web page(909)
2015-01 Estimating the Regional Effect in Korean and Taiwan`s Presidential Elections" conference
2011-06 Citizens` Awareness of the New MMM Electoral System in Taiwan: A Cohort Analysis conference
2011-06 Multilevel Analysis of Voting Behavior under the Mixed-Member Majoritarian Systems: Korea, Taiwan, and Japan conference
2011-05 Forgetful Voters and Remindful Politicians: Political Cycle of Voters` Knowledge of the New Electoral System in Taiwan conference
2010-05 Testing the Interaction between Economic Evaluations and Political Knowledge: A Case Study of Taiwan, Japan, and Great Britain conference pdf(110)
2008-11 Issues and Voting Choices in Taiwan`s Local Elections: A Case Study of the Taipei City`s Mayoral Elections 1994-2006 conference pdf(1482)
2008-08 North verse South? Taiwan`s Changing Party System conference
2008-05 Digital Divide and Political Participation in Taiwan conference
2008-04 Political Knowledge of A New Election System: A Case Study of the 2008 Taiwan Legislative Election conference
2008-04 Party Alignment, Social Contact, and Voter Competence in a New Election System: A Case Study of the 2008 Taiwan`s Legislative Election conference
2007-10 不依黨性投票的選民:以2006年台北市長選舉為例 conference
2006-09 Party Identification, Voting Behavior, and Election System in Taiwan: 1995-2004 conference
2006-09 Reaching into the Grassroots: A Comparative Study of Local Public Opinions in Taiwan conference pdf(1753)
2006-08 Mass Media and Democratic Consolidation in Taiwan: A Comparison of Media Credibility and Democratic Evaluation between Mass and Social Elite conference
2006-08 Party Identification, Voting Behavior, and Election System in Taiwan: 1995-2004 conference