
Showing 1-25 of 45
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-12 為台灣而戰?列項實驗的探索 article pdf(133)
2023-01 Why Tickle the Dragon’s Tail?: Taiwanese Attitudes toward the China Threat and the Role of the United States article 說明頁(33)
2021-02 Taiwan in 2020 : Beyond the Pandemic article pdf(182)
2020-02 Taiwan in 2019 : US-China-Taiwan Relations and Domestic Dynamic article pdf(157)
2017-12 Political Accountability and Voting Behavior: A Case Study of Gas Blast of Kaohsiung City in 2014 article pdf(482)
2016-12 The Referendum in Taiwan from 2004 to 2008 As A Substitute Battle of Major Political Parties at the National Assembly of Taiwan article 說明頁(505)
2016-08 訪問間隔、訪問情境與受訪者特質影響調查信度之探索研究 article 說明頁(93)
2013 臺灣身心障礙者投票參與之初探 article pdf(997)
2012-11 檢測台灣民眾六分類統獨立場:一個測量改進的提出 article pdf(504)
2012-05 初體驗與粗體驗:台灣民眾對立委新選制的認知、參與及評價 article pdf(376)
2011-11 Political Cycle of Voters` Understanding of the New Electoral System: the Case of Taiwan article pdf(360)
2011-03 Taiwan`s expansion of international space: Opportunities and challenges article pdf(1113)
2008-06 施政表現與投票抉擇的南北差異--2006年北高市長選舉的探討 article pdf(2065)
2008.02 Examining Strategic Voting in Single-Member Districts: A Case Study of the 2006 Taipei City Mayoral Election article pdf(1348)
2008-02 Examining Strategic Voting in Single-Member Districts: A Case Study of the 2006 Taipei Mayoral Election article pdf(1391)
2007-09 以新選民的政治態度論臺灣民主政治的未來 article pdf(3277)
2007-09 以新選民的政治態度論台灣民主政治的未來 article pdf(337)
2006-08 民意調查的演進與未來發展 article
2006 2005年台灣地方選舉的解讀 article
2005-04 The Evolution of Party System in Taiwan, 1995~2004 article pdf(1798)
2005-04 The Evolving Party System in Taiwan article pdf(925)
2005-02 Change and Continuity of Partisan Support in Taiwan`s 2004 Presidential Election [in Japanese] article pdf(1466)
2004-12 兩岸基層民主:大陸居委會與臺灣鄉鎮市長選舉的比較分析 article pdf(1092)
2004-09 Direction and Strength of Voter`s Party Identification in Taiwan after 2000 article pdf(1759)
2004-06 2004年臺灣總統選舉--政治信任的缺乏與未鞏固的民主 article pdf(2213)